I've been learning the new input system for Unity, and everything was working great, until timescale is set to 0 and no input gets read at all. I've looked through other forums and found that I should have Update Mode set to "Process Events in Dynamic Update", but it turns out that was enabled by default.
Am I doing anything wrong here? Or is there something I'm missing?
here's my code: If I remove the part that sets Time.Timescale to 0 (located in a different spot), it works great, but with it in even my Print() functions do nothing
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class QuickMenuScript : MonoBehaviour
public int MenuItemsAmount;
public float cursorMoveSpeed;
int cursorPosition;
float progress;
public Animator MenuHost;
public void action(int id)
Animator animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
if (id == 0)
MenuHost.SetBool("Continue", true);
if (id == 1)
if (id == 2)
public void moveCursor(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
if (context.performed)
if (context.ReadValue<float>() != 0)
if (context.ReadValue<float>() < 0)
if (cursorPosition > MenuItemsAmount)
cursorPosition = 1;
if (cursorPosition < 1)
cursorPosition = MenuItemsAmount;
private void Update()
Animator animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
progress = Mathf.MoveTowards(progress,cursorPosition,cursorMoveSpeed*Time.deltaTime);
public void Submit(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
public void Back(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
if (context.performed)
MenuHost.SetBool("Continue", true);
public void timeReturn()
Time.timeScale = 1;
Here's my Player Input Component that I'm using for this: Image
I figured it out: It turns out that if I switch from using the UnityEvents to using the C# class, (and also switch to using Time.UnscaledDeltaTime), it works just fine.
Check "Generate C# class" box in the Input Action Asset Properties
Then subscribe to the InputAction.ActionMap.Action.performed Event, after making a variable which is defined to a new InputAction() asset. (Make sure to set InputAction, ActionMap, and Action to the names of the respective Input action assets, Action Maps, and Actions) Also I needed to make a new OnDestroy() function that unsubscribes to the event when the object is destroyed so I don't get any errors.
Additional note: do not assign the InputAction to a new InputAction() when first declaring it, do it in the start() function instead. Updated Code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class QuickMenuScript : MonoBehaviour
public int MenuItemsAmount;
public float cursorMoveSpeed;
int cursorPosition;
float progress;
public Animator MenuHost;
RollItGeneralInputs input;
private void Awake()
input = new RollItGeneralInputs();
input.QuickMenu.MoveCursor.performed += moveCursor;
input.QuickMenu.Submit.performed += Submit;
input.QuickMenu.Back.performed += Back;
public void action(int id)
if (GetComponent<Animator>() == null) return;
Animator animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
if (id == 0)
MenuHost.SetBool("Continue", true);
if (id == 1)
MenuHost.SetBool("Continue", true);
if (id == 2)
public void moveCursor(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
if (!context.performed) return;
if (context.ReadValue<float>() != 0)
if (context.ReadValue<float>() < 0)
if (cursorPosition > MenuItemsAmount)
cursorPosition = 0;
if (cursorPosition < 0)
cursorPosition = MenuItemsAmount;
private void Update()
Animator animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
progress = Mathf.MoveTowards(progress,cursorPosition + 1,cursorMoveSpeed*Time.unscaledDeltaTime);
public void Submit(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
Debug.Log("submitting " + cursorPosition);
if (!context.performed) return;
public void Back(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
if (!context.performed) return;
if (MenuHost == null) return;
input.QuickMenu.MoveCursor.performed -= moveCursor;
input.QuickMenu.Submit.performed -= Submit;
input.QuickMenu.Back.performed -= Back;
MenuHost.SetBool("Continue", true);
private void OnDestroy()
input.QuickMenu.MoveCursor.performed -= moveCursor;
input.QuickMenu.Submit.performed -= Submit;
input.QuickMenu.Back.performed -= Back;
public void timeReturn()
Time.timeScale = 1;
Another note: to subscribe to an event, just do:
nameOfEvent += NameOfFunctionToCallOnEvent
then to unsubscribe just do
nameOfEvent -= PreviousFunctionYouSubscribedTo
in this case the nameOfEvent would be the InputAction.ActionMap.Action.performed event we did earlier.