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Problems with CORDIC for Logarithm in C

In order to get started with CORDIC for log10, I implemented the algorithm derived in this PDF, pp6:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

float logf_cordic (float x, int B)
    float z = 0.0f;

    for (int i = 1; i <= B; i++)
        if (x > 1.0f)
            printf ("-");
            x = x - ldexpf (x, -i);
            z = z - log10f (1.0f - ldexpf (1.0f, -i));
            printf ("+");
            x = x + ldexpf (x, -i);
            z = z - log10f (1.0f + ldexpf (1.0f, -i));
    return z;

This is a straight forward C99 implementation of the code from the paper, where I used ldexpf(x,n) to compute x·2n. The paper claims that the method converges for 0.4194 < x < 3.4627. The program uses 1 ≤ x ≤ 2. The complete C99 code below prints:

+--+--+--+-+-+++--++ x = 1.00000: y = -0.000000, dy = -1.487272e-07
-+++++++++++++++++++ x = 1.12500: y = +0.099773, dy = +4.862081e-02
-+++++++++++++++++++ x = 1.25000: y = +0.099773, dy = +2.863325e-03
-+++-+--+-+--+-++--+ x = 1.37500: y = +0.138302, dy = -4.023314e-07
-++-+--++----+++--+- x = 1.50000: y = +0.176091, dy = -2.831221e-07
-+-+++++-++-++-++++- x = 1.62500: y = +0.210854, dy = +2.831221e-07
-+-+-+-+++++--+---++ x = 1.75000: y = +0.243038, dy = +2.235174e-07
-+--++-+--+---+---+- x = 1.87500: y = +0.273001, dy = +0.000000e+00
-+---+--+++--------- x = 2.00000: y = +0.301030, dy = -5.960464e-08

So it works as expected, except for x = 1.125, 1.25 where the error is big and doesn't decrease when computing with more iterations. I am now staring at that code for hours, but cannot find what I am missing...

Complete C99 code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

float logf_cordic (float x, int B)
    float z = 0.0f;

    for (int i = 1; i <= B; i++)
        if (x > 1.0f)
            printf ("-");
            x = x - ldexpf (x, -i);
            z = z - log10f (1.0f - ldexpf (1.0f, -i));
            printf ("+");
            x = x + ldexpf (x, -i);
            z = z - log10f (1.0f + ldexpf (1.0f, -i));
    return z;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int ex = 3;
    int B = 20;

    if (argc >= 2)
        sscanf (argv[1], "%i", &ex);

    if (argc >= 3)
        sscanf (argv[2], "%i", &B);

    if (ex < 0) ex = 0;
    if (ex > 16) ex = 16;
    if (B > 100) B = 100;

    int n = 1 << ex;
    float dx = 1.0f / n;
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
        float x = 1.0f + i * dx;
        float y = logf_cordic (x, B);
        float dy = y - log10f (x);
        printf (" x = %.5f: y = %+f, dy = %+e\n",
                (double) x, (double) y, (double) dy);
    return 0;

For reference, here is the algo as presented in the paper:

    z = 0;
    for ( i=1;i=<B;i++ ){
        if (x > 1)
            x = x - x*2^(-i);
            z = z - log10(1-2^(-i));
            x = x + x*2^(-i);
            z = z - log10(1+2^(-i));


  • The algorithm is bogus. The problem is that not all numbers can be presented in the form

    x = Π (1 ± 2−k)

    See this discussion on MSE. There doesn't even exist an interval [a,b] such that all x's in that interval can be represented in that form.

    What does exist though is a representation of the form

    x = Π (1 + ak·2−k)

    with ak in { 0, 1 } for all 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.38 = x0, and this is enough to fix the algorithm:

    To compute logB(x), first normalize the argument x such that 1 / x0 ≤ x ≤ 1.

    Then apply the following algorithm to the reduced x:

    logB_cordic (x, N)
        z = 0
        xmax = 1 + 2^{−N−1}
        FOR k = 1 ... N
            xk = x + x·2^{-k}
            IF xk ≤ xmax
                x = xk;
                z = z - logB (1 + 2^{−k})
        return z

    In practice, N is fixed and the N logB values come from a lookup-table. Apart from that, the method requires additions, comparisions, and shifts by variable offsets.

    The comparison IF xk ≤ xmax makes the final absolute error (almost) symmetric around 0. With IF xk ≤ 1 the absolute error would be asymmetric and twice as high.


    For reference, below is an implementation in C99 that adds some confidence that the fixed algorithm is actually working. It's B = 2, N = 10, and the plot is for 16385 values of x evenly spaced over [0.5, 1].
    (click to enlarge)

    Absolute error of a C99 implementation with N=10

    C99 Code

    #include <math.h>
    double log2_cordic (double x, int N)
        double xmax = 1.0 + ldexp (1.0, -N - 1);
        double z = 0.0;
        for (int k = 1; k <= N; k++)
            double x_bk = x + ldexp (x, -k);
            if (x_bk <= xmax)
                x = x_bk;
                z = z - log2 (1.0 + ldexp (1.0, -k));
        return z;


    Just found out that I reinvented the wheel... According to Wikipedia, it's a method Feynman already used during the Manhattan Project.