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How to use double pointers (pointer to pointer) for an array of structures properly in standard C?

I have an array of structures as a function parameter and the size of the array is dynamic. My coworker said that I'll have to use a double pointer since the values contained in the array of struct will be overwritten.

The parameter that will become a double pointer is the following :

xPIDConfig_t **pxPIDConfig

Here is what the structure looks like for the xPIDConfig_t :

typedef struct
    ePIDType_t ePIDType;
    /* Common fields for the different types of PID */
    float fLowerSaturationLimit;
    float fUpperSaturationLimit;
    float fOldInput;
    float fIError;
    uint32_t ulDeltaTime;
    eBool_t bSaturationEnable;
    eBool_t bAntiWindupEnable;
    eBool_t bNegativeErrorEmptyIError;
        /* Parallel PID fields */
            float fProportionalGain;
            float fIntegralGain;
            float fDerivativeGain;
        /* Non-interactive PID fields */
            float fControllerGain;
            uint32_t ulIntegralTime;
            uint32_t ulDerivativeTime;

The size of the array of pxPIDConfig will vary.

But I am not sure how to malloc that double pointer or even how to use the function containing the double pointer.

I was just wondering if anyone had a good example of code of how to use a function with a double pointer array of variating size? and how to properly change the values contained in the array itself inside a function?

Right now this is how I change the values within the function :

pxPIDConfig->ePIDType = ePIDType;
pxPIDConfig->fOldInput = 0;
pxPIDConfig->fIError   = 0;
pxPIDConfig->ulDeltaTime       = ulDeltaTime;
pxPIDConfig->bSaturationEnable = bIsSaturationEnable;
pxPIDConfig->bAntiWindupEnable = bIsAntiWindupEnable;
pxPIDConfig->bNegativeErrorEmptyIError = bNegativeErrorEmptyIError; 

when the pointer is double do I have to use double '->'? This is very confusing for me.

Thank you all for the help

/***************** EDIT ************************************

My function is working right now, but I got told I need to use memory allocation since the size of my arrays varies according to the number of loops I want to implement.

Here are the parameters of my function :

eError_t eControlCascadeInit( uint8_t ucNumberOfLoops, ePIDType_t *pePIDType, xPIDConfig_t **pxPIDConfig, float *pfLowerLimit, float *pfUpperLimit, uint32_t *pulDeltaTime, \
                            eBool_t *pbIsSaturationEnable, eBool_t *pbIsAntiWindupEnable, eBool_t *pbNegativeErrorEmptyIError, \
                            float *pfPGain, float *pfIGain, float *pfDGain, float *pfCGain, uint32_t *pulITime, uint32_t *pulDTime )

They're all arrays of size ucNumberOfLoops. All of them are read-only arrays, except for the pxPIDConfig one that is write-only. The function initializes all the xPIDConfig_t present in the array with the parameters passed to the function through array.

array[ 0 ] contains the parameters for the first PID controller being initialized.

array[ 1 ] contains the parameters for the second PID controller being initialized and so on...

It's like that for all the parameters in the function.

Hope it makes my question more clear?


  • Here you have an example of how to use double-pointer, to change the pointer in the function:

    void allocate(xPIDConfig_t **array, size_t size)
        *array = malloc(sizeof(**array) * size);
        /* some examples of how to access the struct members via double pointer */
        (*array) -> ulDeltaTime = 100;
        (**array).ulDeltaTime = 100;
        (*(array + 5)) -> ulDeltaTime = 100;
        array[5] -> ulDeltaTime = 100;
        (*array[5]).ulDeltaTime = 100;
    int main(void)
        xPIDConfig_t *array;
        allocate(&array, 100);
        printf("%s\n", array ? "success" : "failure");