I have a column named 'workorder_number' which is unique by default. I am adding a feature allowing my dispatchers to clone an existing work order and all its properties(cloning works if I hard-code a unique work order value).
Within the work order view, I added a single input form with a public property called 'new_workorder_number'. When I try to validate the value against the 'workorders' model, I get the error No property found for validation: [447747]
*447744 is the 'new_workorder_number' value I entered.
How can I validate a public property that is not a column in the database to an existing column?
public $new_workorder_number;
public function cloneWorkorder($id)
$this->new_workorder_number => 'required|unique:workorders|min:4',
<form wire:submit.prevent="cloneWorkorder({{$workorder->id}})" method="PUT">
<div class="mb-4">
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-2">
<div class="col-span-1">
<input id="new_workorder_number"
placeholder="New Work Order Number">
<div class="col-span-1">
<button type="submit">
You're using your validation wrong. Validating in Livewire is basically the same as in Laravel. If you change your validation as following, it should work:
'new_workorder_number' => 'required|unique:workorders,id|min:4',
I changed 2 things:
) you will see that when you don't pass a second parameter, it will guess based on implicit attributes and otherwise returns the attribute, which is the key you're validating. Since you don't have the column new_workdorder_number
on your table, it will throw an unknown column exception.