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Creating ACC Issues - POST request (Issues API for ACC) in Autodesk Construction Cloud using C#

I am trying to create a POST RestRequest in ACC Issues, and I am getting error as:

{"title":"request validation failed","details":[{"message":"should have required property 'title'","path":["#/allOf/1/required"],"context":{"value":{}}},{"message":"should have required property 'issueSubtypeId'","path":["#/allOf/1/required"],"context":{"value":{}}},{"message":"should
have required property 'status'","path":["#/allOf/1/required"],"context":{"value":{}}}],"middlewareName":"bodySchemaValidatorMiddleware"}

The BIM 360 API Issues have changed, and I am trying to replicate the same with ACC Issues, where I want the ability to access Placement in Revit Models for the highlighted Issues

My Post Request is as follows:

public async Task < RestResponse > PostIssuesAsync(string userAccessToken, string projectId, string subTypeId, string title, string description, string itemId)
    string BASE_URL = "";
    string POST_ISSUES = "/construction/issues/v1/projects/{projectId}/issues";

    string projectIdEdited = projectId.Split(".")[1];
    RestClient client = new RestClient(BASE_URL);
    RestRequest request = new RestRequest(POST_ISSUES, Method.Post);
    request.AddParameter("projectId", projectIdEdited, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + userAccessToken);
    request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.api+json");

    dynamic body = new JObject(); = new JObject(); = "issues"; = new JObject(); = title; = description; = subTypeId; = true; = "open";
    // = itemId;

    return await client.ExecuteAsync(request);


  • Please try with the snippet below

    public static async Task<RestResponse> PostIssuesAsync(string userAccessToken, string projectId, string subTypeId, string title)
      string BASE_URL = "";
      string POST_ISSUES = "/construction/issues/v1/projects/{projectId}/issues";
      string projectIdEdited = projectId.Split(".")[1];
      RestClient client = new RestClient(BASE_URL);
      RestRequest request = new RestRequest(POST_ISSUES, Method.Post);
      request.AddParameter("projectId", projectIdEdited, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
      request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + userAccessToken);
      request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
      dynamic body = new JObject();
      body.title = title;
      body.issueSubtypeId = subTypeId;
      body.published = true;
      body.status = "open";
      body.assignedTo = "someuresId";
      body.assignedToType = "user";
      string stringBody = ((JObject)body).ToString(Formatting.None);
      request.AddParameter("application/json", stringBody, ParameterType.RequestBody);
      return await client.ExecuteAsync(request);

    Note that the request body structure is different from the one you're using.