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Revit 2025 App Bundle migration causes "Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.RevitServerUnauthorizedException" when saving model to ACC

Our group utilizes app bundles to automate project setup in ACC. We have been utilizing the same process for versions of Revit 2022-2024 with no problems. I have recently ran into issues when attempting to run an add-in that does this same process for 2025. My only change to the source code has been changing the environment to .NET8 and rebuilding dependencies.

The flow goes as such:

  1. A user requests model creation for 2025 within a web app. Sending a request that includes a adsk3LeggedToken that contains a scope of code:all
  2. The add-in downloads a .rte template, stored in ACC. app.NewProjectDocument(template)
  3. The result of the download is saved locally as a normal Revit model. doc.SaveAs(path);
  4. Where I get my error: I then attempt to save the model to the cloud doc.SaveAsCloudModel(accountID, projectID, folderID, modelName);

Upon attempting to save I get this error:

[] Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.RevitServerUnauthorizedException: You don't have the workshared cloud model entitlement (BIM 360 Docs or Autodesk Docs) to perform the operation to this Document.
[] at Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document.SaveAsCloudModel(Guid accountId, Guid projectId, String folderId, String modelName)

as well as an error in the journal (very sorry its messy):

' 0:< Find mgmt endpoint of region GLOBAL : 
'C 28-Aug-2024 19:29:54.991;  DBG_INFO: Empty id token. Should check login status before using GetIdToken(): line 222 of F:\Ship\2025_px64\Source\Foundation\Utility\Managers\ManageSSOImpl.cpp. 
'C 28-Aug-2024 19:29:55.145;   0:< {"start_time":"2024-08-28T19:29:55.1190358Z","http_method":"GET","http_url":"","http_request_headers":"{x-ads-correlation-id=<redacted>,x-ads-request-id=<redacted>,x-ads-ctx-user=<redacted>}","duration":124,"http_response_code":401,"http_response_headers":"{x-ads-correlation-id=<redacted>1}"} 
' 0:< ManagementClientInterface.GetUserAsync failed with exception:  
' 0:<   System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (HTTP response exception) 
' 0:<     Autodesk.Http.HttpResponseException: HTTP response exception 
' 0:< Entitlement Validation: Fault when trying to get entitlements. 

I have administrator access to the hub, the project, docs, and the folder I am trying to post to. I have also had another admin attempt the same.

The weird thing is that this EXACT code works for 2022-2024. The only difference (that I can see) being the version of.NET, its dependencies and the Revit engine. I am able to change the environment to .NET4.8 and specify the engine as Revit 2024 and it works as expected.

I am really hoping I am missing some permissions somewhere. Any help would be appreciated.


I have also tried creating a new project and folders, to ensure that the project was not dependent on an older version of Revit. I have also tried the same code dependent on .NET4.8 and running on the Revit 2025 engine and get the same error, so seems to be confined to the engine itself.


  • this is an issue related to Revit Cloud Model in Design Automation cloud engine 2025, and it's fixed, could you please verify it now?