tl;dr: Turns out it was an fetch-request error. Although, in the comments of the answer, it was found that you have to send the code_challenge
as code_verifier
to the /token
-endpoint for making the PKCE-Auth work.
I am building a SPA for connecting to the AEC Data Model. I am following this authentication guide from APS, but i cannot get this to work. Specifically, my problem lies in "Step 3" where i get a "403 Forbidden" error.
There are many steps to make this work, but i am going to try and outline everything that i have done until now:
I have successfully created a "Desktop, Mobile, Single-Page App" from the "Create Application" modal. I get a "Client ID" which i use for my app, and i have allowed for all API possible in the "API Access" box, among them the "AEC Data Model API". In this box, it says:
Premium APIs are unavailable for Authorization Code with PKCE grant type.
If i am correct, "AEC Data Model API" is not a premium API, as the "AEC Data Model API" does not aquire tokens, and therefore, this should not be an issue, but please correct me if i am wrong.
After registering the app in "Applications", i add the "Client ID" to my organizations custom integrations.
I now follow this authentication guide.
Step 1: I create a code challenge and a code verifier:
"code_challenge": "eJy4IjlN3Pu8ob27lc07Qw5RESB8lkyhWQlZcdllJf8",
"code_verifier": "tjPmAq_gC-v91KZ4co9Yw_xiSCCpKX8LfWzKnHO5hRE"
And then i redirect the user to the following url:
Step 2: I sign in going through the auth flow and i successfully receive a code back (shown together with the verifier):
"code": "ePJW9yuMwW2cR1co-Xmxq_Qwx629KfmGXYMIaJaO",
"code_verifier": "tjPmAq_gC-v91KZ4co9Yw_xiSCCpKX8LfWzKnHO5hRE"
Step 3: I make a fetch request to get the access code. The endpoint is, and the content of the fetch is:
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
"body": "{\"grant_type\":\"authorization_code\",\"client_id\":\"myapplicationclientidwhichihavehiddenhere\",\"code_verifier\":\"tjPmAq_gC-v91KZ4co9Yw_xiSCCpKX8LfWzKnHO5hRE\",\"code\":\"ePJW9yuMwW2cR1co-Xmxq_Qwx629KfmGXYMIaJaO\",\"redirect_uri\":\"http://localhost:5173\"}"
The response from the request is POST 403 (Forbidden)
I don't know what i can have done wrong, what can it be?
and the content of the fetch is:
The token endpoint does not want JSON, it wants "form encoding", i.e. application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Data Format: Form encoding (request); JSON (response)
Bold highlighting by me; The request is supposed to use form encoding, and the response you'll get, will be JSON.