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python: module not found (despite module included in sys.path)

I have a python script that is calling a module from another python project, whose path is correctly included in sys.path, however the script returns error "module not found".

More in detail, this is the following structure:

/home/lbri/sdfstudio/ --> the main script that I am running

/home/lbri/omnidata/omnidata_tools/torch/data/ --> the module that I am trying to call from

These are the relevant lines inside

from data.transforms import get_transform

which is run with

python --omnidata-path /home/lbri/omnidata/omnidata_tools/torch/

This is the error that I get:

['/home/lbri/sdfstudio/scripts/datasets', '/home/lbri/miniconda3/envs/sdfstudio/lib/', '/home/lbri/miniconda3/envs/sdfstudio/lib/python3.8', '/home/lbri/miniconda3/envs/sdfstudio/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload', '/home/lbri/miniconda3/envs/sdfstudio/lib/python3.8/site-packages', '__editable__.nerfstudio-0.1.12.finder.__path_hook__', '/home/lbri/omnidata/omnidata_tools/torch/']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 41, in <module>
    from data.transforms import get_transform
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'data.transforms'

I don't understand: the path of the module ('/home/lbri/omnidata/omnidata_tools/torch/') is included correctly in sys.path, yet the script does not see the module. Am I missing something obvious?

I also tried to put some files inside the folders containing the module, but nothing changes.

Thank you!

EDIT: I also tried to include /home/lbri/omnidata/omnidata_tools/torch/data/ into the sys.path as well, but I still get the same error.


  • ok, posting the answer to my question, with a bit of delay.

    Basically the main problem is that 'data' and 'torch' are too generic names - which are already used by the script to indicate different modules.

    Therefore, the solution was:

    • add /home/lbri/omnidata/omnidata_tools in the syspath
    • change the include to: from import get_transform

    Then everything works fine.