An array is called
logic [7:0] data_match[1:0];
This is assigned value in an always_comb
block. The values can be one of the following:
localparam MATCHE_PASS = 2'b00; // match success
localparam MATCHE_FAIL = 2'b01; // match failed
localparam MATCHE_NA = 2'b10; // match not applicable
Now in an always_comb
block, I assign value to this:
logic design_fault;
Now design_fault
is 1'b1 if any value inside data_match
. Otherwise, it is 1'b0.
Using For Loop
always_comb begin
design_fault = '0;
for (int i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
design_fault = design_fault | data_match[i]==MATCHE_FAIL;
Using single statement
Due to your encoding, you can also do it without a loop in a single statement:
assign design_fault = |({8{MATCHE_FAIL}} & data_match);
But I believe that you first need to change the definition of data_match to be:
logic [7:0][1:0] data_match;
You first concatenate 8 duplicates of MATCHE_FAIL value. The data_match vector should be constructed in the same manner - 8 match results concatenated.
This is why you need to change the data_match definition (double check me in simulation).
Then you do bitwise AND between the two. Since your encoding defines that bitwise AND between MATCHE_FAIL to MACTHE_NA will give "2'b00", and the same for MATCHE_FAIL to MATCHE_PASS, it's enough to check that this bitwise AND result has any bit different than 1'b0.
Therefore, you OR all the bits of the result as the final step.