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Clang optimizes out RDTSC asm blocks thinking the repeated block yields the same as the previous block. Is this legal?

Supposed we have some repetitions of the same asm that contains RDTSC such as

    volatile size_t tick1;
    asm ( "rdtsc\n"           // Returns the time in EDX:EAX.
          "shl $32, %%rdx\n"  // Shift the upper bits left.
          "or %%rdx, %q0"     // 'Or' in the lower bits.
          : "=a" (tick1)
          : "rdx");

    volatile size_t tick2;    
    asm ( "rdtsc\n"          // clang's optimizer just thinks this asm yields
          "shl $32, %%rdx\n" // the same bits as above, so it just loads
          "or %%rdx, %q0"    // the result to qword ptr [rsp + 8]
          : "=a" (tick2)     // 
          :                  //   mov     qword ptr [rsp + 8], rbx
          : "rdx");

    printf("tick2 - tick1 diff : %zu cycles\n", tick2 - tick1);
    printf("CPU Clock Speed    : %.2f GHz\n\n", (double) (tick2 - tick1) / 1'000'000'000.);

Clang++'s optimizer (even with `-O1` ) thinks those two asm blocks yield the same :

tick2 - tick1 diff : 0 cycles
CPU Clock Speed    : 0.00 GHz

tick1              : bd806adf8b2
tick2              : bd806adf8b2

When turn off Clang's optimizer, the 2nd block yields progressing ticks as expected :

tick2 - tick1 diff : 2900160778 cycles
CPU Clock Speed    : 2.90 GHz

tick1              : 14ab6ab3391c
tick2              : 14ac17902a26

1st GCC g++ "seems" not to affect from this.
tick2 - tick1 diff : 2900226898 cycles
CPU Clock Speed    : 2.90 GHz

tick1              : 20e40010d8a8
tick2              : 20e4aceecbfa


However, let's add tick3 with the exact asm right after tick2

    volatile size_t tick1;
    asm ( "rdtsc\n"           // Returns the time in EDX:EAX.
          "shl $32, %%rdx\n"  // Shift the upper bits left.
          "or %%rdx, %q0"     // 'Or' in the lower bits.
          : "=a" (tick1)
          : "rdx");

    volatile size_t tick2;    
    asm ( "rdtsc\n"          // clang's optimizer just thinks this asm yields
          "shl $32, %%rdx\n" // the same bits as above, so it just loads
          "or %%rdx, %q0"    // the result to qword ptr [rsp + 8]
          : "=a" (tick2)     // 
          :                  //   mov     qword ptr [rsp + 8], rbx
          : "rdx");

    volatile size_t tick3;
    asm ( "rdtsc\n"          
          "shl $32, %%rdx\n"   
          "or %%rdx, %q0"    
          : "=a" (tick3)
          : "rdx");

It turns out that GCC thinks tick3's asm must produce the same value as tick2 because there are "obviously" no external side effects, so it just reload from tick2 . Even that's wrong, well, it has a very strong point though.

tick2 - tick1 diff : 2900209182 cycles
CPU Clock Speed    : 2.90 GHz

tick1              : 5670bd15088e
tick2              : 567169f2b6ac
tick3              : 567169f2b6ac


In C mode, the optimizers of both GCC and Clang affect with this.
In other words, even with -O1 both optimize out the repetitions of asm blocks containing rdtsc

tick2 - tick1 diff : 0 cycles
CPU Clock Speed    : 0.00 GHz

tick1              : 324ab8f5dd2a
thrd_sleep(&(struct timespec){.tv_sec=1}, nullptr)
tick2              : 324ab8f5dd2a
tick3_rdx          : 324b65d3368c


It turns out that all optimizers can do common-subexpression elimination on identical non-volatile asm statements, so an asm statement for RDTSC needs to be volatile.


  • Inline assembly is not covered by the C++ standard, so I'm not sure what your definition of "legal" is here. The behavior you are seeing makes sense to me though, because you are running inline assembly for its side effects (i.e. your assembly doesn't implement a pure function) and you forgot to use the volatile keyword. From the GCC inline assembly documentation:

    The typical use of extended asm statements is to manipulate input values to produce output values. However, your asm statements may also produce side effects. If so, you may need to use the volatile qualifier to disable certain optimizations.


    GCC's optimizers sometimes discard asm statements if they determine there is no need for the output variables. Also, the optimizers may move code out of loops if they believe that the code will always return the same result (i.e. none of its input values change between calls). Using the volatile qualifier disables these optimizations.

    If you insert the volatile keyword immediately after asm the problem goes away.

    P.S. Instead of using inline assembly, just include x86intrin.h and then use __rdtsc() function.