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Need help to solve function issue

I'm practicing my C skills by trying to code a program for rearranging array elements in ascending order by using a created function called Bubbleswap. TO fill up the array I've used the random number generator.

When I use the following code, I will get the message that Bubblesort function is missing a return value, while it shouldn't need one. And I think therefore the request to use bubbleswap function is not working properly.

//Opgave bubblesort functie

#include "toolbox.h"
#include <ansi_c.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// functies //
double bubblesort (double arrayA[], int n)
int  a,b,swap;

    for (a =0;a<(n - 1);a++)
        for (b=0;b<(n - a - 1);b++)
            if(arrayA[b]>arrayA[b+1]) // for decreasing order use < 
                swap = arrayA[b];
                arrayA[b]= arrayA[b+1];

// main script  //    

int main()                                      
    int aantal,i;                                   //variables
    double arrayA[1000],arrayB[1000]  ;
    float r;

    srand(time(NULL));                              // to start the random seeds

    printf(" Typ het aantal getallen in. \n");      //request the elements
    scanf("%d", &aantal);

    for(i=0; i<aantal;i++)                          // fill the array with random numbers

    printf("Getallen in volgorde \n");        //re-arrange the numbers with the help of bubblesort
    for (i=0; i<aantal;i++)
        r = bubblesort(arrayA, aantal);       //request the function bubblesort  //r =arrayA[i];
        printf("%.0f \n",  r);



  • If I understood correctly due to your the comment //r =arrayA[i];, to accomplish that you could change:

    r = bubblesort(arrayA, aantal,i);  


     double bubblesort (double arrayA[], int n,int i)
        int  a,b,swap;
            for (a =0;a<(n - 1);a++)
                for (b=0;b<(n - a - 1);b++)
                    if(arrayA[b]>arrayA[b+1]) // for decreasing order use < 
                        swap = arrayA[b];
                        arrayA[b]= arrayA[b+1];
           return arrayA[i];