I created a plugin that takes settings from application.conf
fun Application.getEnvironment() {
val secret = environment.config.property("jwt.secret").getString()
val issuer = environment.config.property("jwt.issuer").getString()
val audience = environment.config.property("jwt.audience").getString()
val realm = environment.config.property("jwt.realm").getString()
Now I would like to use these environment properties in different plugin like the following:
fun Application.configureJWTAuth() {
val (secret, issuer, audience, realm) = getEnvironment()
// configuring jwt with properties taken from `getEnvironment()`
However I have no idea how to solve the problem. I know I can create a global object and assign properties to this global object in getEnvironment()
plugin but I do not think it is the best solution.
You can use Attributes of the server application instance to store and access global data. Here is an example:
val jwtSecretKey = io.ktor.util.AttributeKey<String>("jwtSecret")
val plugin1 = createApplicationPlugin("plugin1") {
application.attributes.put(jwtSecretKey, "jwt secret value")
val plugin2 = createApplicationPlugin("plugin2") {
val jwtSecret = application.attributes.getOrNull(jwtSecretKey)
suspend fun main() {
embeddedServer(Netty, host = "localhost", port = 9090) {
install(plugin1) // the order of plugins matters
}.start(wait = true)