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Excel: counting the "either or" occurrence of multiple criteria in column B while not double-counting duplicates in column A

Here's some sample excel data that I spun up to describe the problem that I'm facing.

StudentID Subject ClassName
001 Math Algebra I
002 Science Biology
002 Math Algebra II
002 History US History
003 Math Geometry
003 Science Chemistry
004 English Playwriting
004 Math Trigonometry
004 Language Spanish I
004 Language Italian I
005 English Playwriting
005 English Speech Writing
006 Language Linguistics
006 Science Physics
006 English Rhetoric
007 Language Spanish II
007 Math Pre-Calculus
008 History World History
008 Language French I
008 English Mythology
009 English Poetry
  • Every column uses the string data type

I'm struggling to figure out an excel function/formula that will count how many distinct students are taking either a Math or Science course but making sure to only count each student once. So for the above example data, there are 6 distinct students who took either a Math or Science course.

Most of the information I've found online has solutions that are related to but not exactly what I want. This problem is simpler in a language like Python (where you can filter by subject and then de-duplicate the StudentID) but I'm having a hard time since I'm not super familiar with the nitty-gritty of excel functions.

I've tried playing around with various excel functions like countifs and sumproduct but haven't made much progress and nothing has worked so far.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if any clarifications would be helpful.


  • Try using the following formula:

    enter image description here

    • Formula used in cell E2


    Another alternative using MMULT( )

    enter image description here

    • Formula used in cell E2
