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Retrieve only Visible sheets from workbook - OfficeScript

I am attempting to get a list of only the visible sheets in an Excel online workbook. I found the method .getNext({visibleOnly?: boolean}).

However, I don't know how/where to call it in the below code. I attempted to add it by reducing the sheets collection to a visibleSheets only collection.

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
    let sheets = workbook.getWorksheets();
    let visibleSheets:ExcelScript.Worksheet[] = sheets.getNext({visibleOnly: true});

    visibleSheets.forEach(sheet =>{
        // Toggle auto filter on selectedSheet
        if (visibleSheets.getName() != "SUMMARY") {
        // Apply custom filter on selectedSheet
        visibleSheets.getAutoFilter().apply(visibleSheets.getAutoFilter().getRange(), 0, {filterOn: ExcelScript.FilterOn.custom, criterion1: '<>'});


  • The usage of getNext in your code is not correct. getVisibility might be the better one to get the visible sheets.

    Option 1:

    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
        let sheets = workbook.getWorksheets();
        let sheetVis: ExcelScript.Worksheet [] = [];
        sheets.forEach(sheet => {
            if (sheet.getVisibility() === ExcelScript.SheetVisibility.visible) {
                // Your code to manipulate sheet, then you don't need sheetVis
        sheetVis.forEach(sht => {
            // Your code to manipulate sheet

    Option 2:

    Or you can get the list of visible sheet name.

    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
      let sheets = workbook.getWorksheets();
      let sheetVis = sheets
        .filter(t => t.getVisibility() === ExcelScript.SheetVisibility.visible)
        .map(t => t.getName());
      sheetVis.forEach(sht => {
        // Your code to manipulate sheet

    Option 3:

    You can certainly achieve the same outcome using the approach of getNext if preferred.

    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
      let sheetVis = workbook.getFirstWorksheet();
      do {
        sheetVis = sheetVis.getNext(true);
      } while (sheetVis)