I am working on the verification project and inspecting DUT, I found something unnatural to me. There are tons of code snippets like below.
always @ (posedge clk) begin
q <= 0;
else if(q != d)
q <= d;
I think this code works perfectly equal to normal D flip-flop code which is:
always @ (posedge clk) begin
q <= 0;
q <= d;
Can anybody tell me why the code is written like that? Is there any special meaning?
I asked several colleagues about this topic but I haven't got a satisfied answer.
As far as RTL synthesis is concerned, they are functionally equivalent.
However, there is a difference in simulation if q
or d
is unknown('x
). q
remains in the unknown state until there is an explicit reset. And if d
goes unknown, q
remains in its current state.
I highly doubt this was the intent of the original author of this code. More likely it was a misunderstanding of how a D-FF should be modeled.