I am on a MAC and am installing a few virtual machines with windows so that I can check browser compatibility.
Disclaimer I have licenses for all
Now I need to have a operating system with ie9 - Vista, 7, and the recently released beta of windows 8 can all handle that one. Will the browser display things differently because it is in a different OS?
I am already needing to install XP 2 times, to cover IE6 and IE8 (I know IE6 is outdated, but still being used a lot.)
Cheers for the feedback.
I am a web developer as well and have my mac, a pc and 3 Virtual machines to test IE6-9. The operating systems should not matter. The browsers are coded to pretty much work the same no matter what OS (short of third party extension versions or changes in configuration settings). The only thing that would cause differences is if you are not declaring a <!DOCTYPE> In IE 6-9, if there is no Doctype it enters quirks mode. Quirks mode is basically what IE was at version 5 and earlier. It is the only browser that I have found to do this.