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What is the correct way to display a HTML file downloaded and saved in the file system using codename one?

What is the correct way to display a HTML file downloaded and saved in the file system? I am able to download and save the html page in the .cn1 folder on Simulator but it doesn't display. I tested using the Page.html sample file found in the old Kitchen Sink demo.

Also, how can I use hardcoded paths like file:///storage/emulated/0/Folder/Page.html instead? I have tried but nothing appears in common folders in the phone e.g. the Android folder. Below is what I have done so far!

`Form fm_brw = new Form();` 
`fm_brw.setLayout(new BorderLayout());`

`FileSystemStorage fs = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();`
`fs.mkdir(fs.getAppHomePath() + "SampleFolder");`

`Util.downloadUrlToFile("", fs.getAppHomePath() + "SampleFolder/Page.html", true);`

`BrowserComponent browser = new BrowserComponent();`
`browser.setURL(fs.getAppHomePath() + "SampleFolder/Page.html);`

`fm_brw.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, browser);` 


  • I figured out the reason for the webpage not displaying... apparently, you have to add the "file://" when setting the URL i.e. browser.setURL("file://"+str_homePath+str_filePath);

    If this is not by your design then I can file an RFE.