There are the following tables: countries, visas, embassies. (one country can have many visas and embassies).
I make a query that gets several countries records:
$countries = $this->entityManager
->from(Country::class, 'c')
ok, everything works.
further, when we work with $currencies in a loop and get visas and embassises, we get a problem with N + 1 queries. In my case it is 200+ queries at a time.
Let's try to solve the problem with join:
$countries = $this->entityManager
->from(Country::class, 'c')
->leftJoin('c.visas', 'cv')
->leftJoin('c.embassies', 'ce')
so this solves the problem with N+1, turning 200+ queries into 4 queries, but the following problem appears:
for example, in our table (or found by query condition) there is 1 country record, but this country, for example, has 3 visas and 5 embassies records in the database.
So, in the case of using join, when 1 country is found, then the relations on visas and embassises will also return 1 record (and it doesn’t matter that there may be more of them).
This behavior is due to leftJoin, and on the one hand - these are 200+ queries and on the other hand - incomplete data return if there are fewer countries records than possible relations.
How can I solve this problem?
You can't solve it with join
, you should make other queries for additional data using WHERE IN
operator. First you get your countries, get array of their id
, for example $ids
, and then make query like
$queryBuilder->where('embassies.country_id IN (:ids)')
->setParameter('ids', $ids)
And do the same thing for visas. So instead of 200+ queries you can get all the data with 3.