There are multiple modules where I take as input (among other things) a
input[15:0] instruction
Then, in all these modules I copy and paste the following code:
wire aluBit = instruction[15];
wire jumpBit = instruction[14];
wire[2:0] mainOpcode = instruction[13:11];
wire constantBit = instruction[10];
wire standaloneBit = instruction[9];
wire[7:0] embeddedConstant = instruction[9:3];
wire[2:0] instrParam1 = instruction[8:6];
wire[2:0] instrParam2 = instruction[5:3];
wire[2:0] instrDestination = instruction[2:0];
I believe interfaces would streamline this and get rid of the copy-pasting. But I don't understand how to make it work.
Note: If it helps, I am using a SystemVerilog to Verilog converter called sv2v.
I tried alot, for example:
interface Instruction;
logic[15:0] instruction,
logic aluBit, jumpBit, isConstantInstruction, standaloneBit,
logic[2:0] mainOpcode, instrParam1, instrParam2, instrDestination,
logic[7:0] embeddedConstant
always_comb aluBit = instruction[15];
always_comb jumpBit = instruction[14];
always_comb mainOpcode = instruction[13:11];
always_comb isConstantInstruction = instruction[10];
always_comb standaloneBit = instruction[9];
always_comb embeddedConstant = instruction[9:3];
always_comb instrParam1 = instruction[8:6];
always_comb instrParam2 = instruction[5:3];
always_comb instrDestination = instruction[2:0];
Then I tried to define the ControlUnit module, with an Instruction input port:
module ControlUnit(Instruction instruction);
wire example = instruction.jumpBit;
It just does not compile though.
Here is an example of an interface
definition (using the OP as a baseline) and its use as a module port
taking the interface
to be a bundle of wires with no ports (meaning the interface itself has no ports).
The posted code is missing semicolons on the wires near the beginning.
(must be defined outside a module
, a module
and an interface
are both fundamental design units)module
ControlUnit with interface
port , and printed a couple of the interface
interface Instruction ();
logic[15:0] instruction;
logic aluBit, jumpBit, isConstantInstruction, standaloneBit;
logic[2:0] mainOpcode, instrParam1, instrParam2, instrDestination;
logic[7:0] embeddedConstant;
always_comb aluBit = instruction[15];
always_comb jumpBit = instruction[14];
always_comb mainOpcode = instruction[13:11];
always_comb isConstantInstruction = instruction[10];
always_comb standaloneBit = instruction[9];
always_comb embeddedConstant = instruction[9:3];
always_comb instrParam1 = instruction[8:6];
always_comb instrParam2 = instruction[5:3];
always_comb instrDestination = instruction[2:0];
module ControlUnit(
Instruction instruction
wire example = instruction.jumpBit;
initial begin
$display("instruction.jumpBit = %0b",instruction.jumpBit);
$display("instruction.aluBit = %0b",instruction.aluBit);
module tb ();
Instruction tb_stub();
assign tb_stub.instruction = 16'ha5a5;
ControlUnit dut(
instruction.jumpBit = 0
instruction.aluBit = 1
on Cadence, Mentor, Synopsys, and Aldec simulators.