After upgrading to Angular 16, the "ngx-google-places-autocomplete" does not work any more.
There are the next error
main.ts:29 Unhandled Promise rejection: GooglePlaceModule does not have a module def (ɵmod property) ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: GooglePlaceModule does not have a module def (ɵmod property)
Here is the code of integration
import { GooglePlaceModule } from 'ngx-google-places-autocomplete';
declarations: [...],
imports: [..., GooglePlaceModule],
providers: [...]
exports: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {
constructor() {}
Does someone have a recipe to solve the issue?
This package is currently not supported for Angular 16 version. Please consider using alternatives that are fully compatible with ngx-google-places-autocomplete
You can try: