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Klaro customize the icon besides service option

I have configured klaro cookie package in my Angular project with all the required configurations, but I want to change the icon besides count of service: klaro-service-icon

I want "+" and "-" icons accordingly when service section is open/close. Is there any way to customize it as per need?

Old icon doesn't fade away: old-icon


  • We can use the below CSS to fix the issue, basically I use the pseudo selector :after to overlay the new icon on top of the existing one. I use ::ng-deep so that the component styles are visible to the children of the component!

        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="true"] > span {
          color: transparent;
        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="true"] > span:after {
          color: var(--green1, #1a936f);
          content: '-';
        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="false"] > span {
          color: transparent;
        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="false"] > span:after {
          color: var(--green1, #1a936f);
          content: '+';


    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import 'zone.js';
    import { klaroConfig } from './klaro-config';
    // we can either import Klaro without styles...
    import * as Klaro from 'klaro';
    // and the manually load the styles (e.g. to bundle them manually)
    // we set up Klaro with the config
      selector: 'app-root',
      standalone: true,
      template: `
        <h1>Hello from {{ name }}!</h1>
        <a target="_blank" href="">
          Learn more about Angular
        <a class="button is-success" (click)="show()"
          >Change consent settings</a
      styles: [
        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="true"] > span {
          color: transparent;
        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="true"] > span:after {
          color: var(--green1, #1a936f);
          content: '-';
        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="false"] > span {
          color: transparent;
        ::ng-deep .cm-caret > a[aria-expanded="false"] > span:after {
          color: var(--green1, #1a936f);
          content: '+';
    export class App {
      name = 'Angular';
      klaro!: any;
      constructor() {
        (<any>window).klaro = Klaro;
        (<any>window).klaroConfig = klaroConfig;
      show() {;

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