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Uploading a .ttl file to Fuseki using Java client - where are my triples in Fuseki?

I have a Fuseki server running in my local Windows 11 Docker Desktop.

To load ttl files from java I am following

which gives me code

        String localFile = "mdworking.ttl";
        ZzzHelperFile.saveStringToFile(myTttString, localFile);
        String serviceURL = "http://localhost:3030/mdtest/";
        RDFConnectionRemoteBuilder builder = RDFConnectionFuseki.create()
        RDFConnectionFuseki conn = (RDFConnectionFuseki);
            conn.load(localFile) ;
            conn.querySelect("SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ?s ?p ?o }", (qs) -> {
                Resource subject = qs.getResource("s") ;
                System.out.println("Subject: " + subject) ;
            }) ;

The output is what I would expect, the list of my Subject.

The Fuseki service output in Docker does not seem unreasonable, (although I dont know what ?default is):

2023-07-03 17:02:27 16:02:27 INFO  Fuseki          :: [96] POST http://localhost:3030/mdtest/?default
2023-07-03 17:02:27 16:02:27 INFO  Fuseki          :: [96] Body: Content-Length=117, Content-Type=text/turtle, Charset=UTF-8 => Turtle : Count=4 Triples=4 Quads=0
2023-07-03 17:02:27 16:02:27 INFO  Fuseki          :: [96] 200 OK (80 ms)
2023-07-03 17:02:28 16:02:28 INFO  Fuseki          :: [97] GET http://localhost:3030/mdtest/?query=SELECT+DISTINCT+%3Fs+%7B+%3Fs+%3Fp+%3Fo+%7D
2023-07-03 17:02:28 16:02:28 INFO  Fuseki          :: [97] Query = SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ?s ?p ?o }
2023-07-03 17:02:28 16:02:28 INFO  Fuseki          :: [97] 200 OK (28 ms)

But then I go to the Fuseki front end my triples are not there in the mdtest dataset.

What I can find at http://localhost:3030/mdtest/?default in the browser are my test triples

@prefix : <> .
:crush  a        :turtle ;
        :eats    :coral ;
        :enjoys  :swimming ;
        :is      :cool .

If I change the name of mdtest to something that is not a Fuseki dataset then my code throws a not found exception.

Why are my triples not in the Fuseki mdtest dataset that I can see from the Fuseki UI?

Docker image:



        <!-- -->


  • The issue is the use of tdb2:unionDefaultGraph.

    The union is a view of triples in the named graphs - the default graph is not a named graph.

    An update goes to the real storage, not the union view. It goes to the real storage default graph.

    If you send the RDFConnection.load(graph name, filename) operation to a named graph, the triples will appear to a query.