I have a Virtuoso server 7.20.3217 where I upload my data. According to Virtuoso documentation, Virtuoso supports basic owl reasoning such as rdfs:subClassOf or rdfs:subPropertyOf.
What should I do in order to enable OWL 2 DL reasoning? Or even support SWRL rules? Is there any chance of incorporating this capabilities to Virtuoso? For example by incorporating an external reasoner like Pellet?
Virtuoso 7.x does not support SWRL nor fully support OWL 2 DL (though it can be made to support a subset of OWL predicates). (Also see 1, 2.)
Virtuoso 8.x implements SPIN, into which SWRL can be translated, and the same subset of OWL predicates, among other more complex reasoning.
See Creating Custom Inference Rules using the SPIN Vocabulary and Virtuoso 8.0 and SWRL and Virtuoso, for starters.
User documentation is in progress; you can get assistance via the Virtuoso Users mailing list or the OpenLink Support Case System.