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Convert OCamCalib toolbox Matlab script to Python

I am trying to convert a script from the OCamCalib Matlab toolbox to python. This scripts estimate a inverse polynomial function used for the reverse path of light ray on a fisheye lens.

My python scripts fails to compute the polynomial values at the end.

The Matlab script: findinvpoly.m

%FINDINVPOLY finds the inverse polynomial specified in the argument.
%   [POL, ERR, N] = FINDINVPOLY(SS, RADIUS, N) finds an approximation of the inverse polynomial specified in OCAM_MODEL.SS.
%   The returned polynomial POL is used in WORLD2CAM_FAST to compute the reprojected point very efficiently.
%   SS is the polynomial which describe the mirrror/lens model.
%   RADIUS is the radius (pixels) of the omnidirectional picture.
%   ERR is the error (pixel) that you commit in using the returned
%   polynomial instead of the inverse SS. N is searched so that
%   that ERR is < 0.01 pixels.
%   Copyright (C) 2008 DAVIDE SCARAMUZZA, ETH Zurich
%   Author: Davide Scaramuzza - email: [email protected]

function [pol, err, N] = findinvpoly(ss, radius)

if nargin < 3
    maxerr = inf;
    N = 1;
    while maxerr > 0.01 %Repeat until the reprojection error is smaller than 0.01 pixels
        N = N + 1;
        [pol, err] = findinvpoly2(ss, radius, N);
        maxerr = max(err);  
    [pol, err, N] = findinvpoly2(ss, radius, N)

function [pol, err, N] = findinvpoly2(ss, radius, N)

theta = [-pi/2:0.01:1.20];
r     = invFUN(ss, theta, radius);
ind   = find(r~=inf);
theta = theta(ind);
r     = r(ind);

pol = polyfit(theta,r,N);
err = abs( r - polyval(pol, theta)); %approximation error in pixels

function r=invFUN(ss, theta, radius)


for j=1:length(m)
    res=rhoTmp(find(imag(rhoTmp)==0 & rhoTmp>0 & rhoTmp<radius ));
    if isempty(res) | length(res)>1

The script calling the matlab function : main.m

coeff = [-1.729819e+03, 0.000000e+00, 2.218967e-04, -2.655544e-08, 2.169698e-11 ];

h = 2160;
w = 4096;
radius = sqrt(h*h + w*w);

[pol, err, N] = findinvpoly(coeff, radius);


The output I have is :

pol =

   1.0e+03 *

    0.0002    0.0020    0.0057    0.0002   -0.0163   -0.0015    0.0345    0.0068   -0.0082    0.0463    0.0192    0.0751    0.2371   -0.0350    1.2974    2.4535

My Python script :

import numpy as np
import math

def find_inverse_polynome(poly_coefficients, radius, N=1, threshold_error = 0.01):

    max_error = np.inf
    while max_error > threshold_error:
        N = N+1
        poly, error = compute_inverse_polynome(poly_coefficients, radius, N)
        max_error = error.max()

    return poly, error, N

def compute_inverse_polynome(poly_coefficients, radius, N):
    theta = np.arange(-np.pi, 1.2, 0.01)
    r = np.array(inverse_poly(poly_coefficients, theta, radius))
    indices = np.where(r != np.inf)[0]
    theta = theta[indices]
    r = r[indices]

    poly = np.polyfit(theta, r, N)
    error = abs(r - np.polyval(poly, theta)) # approximation of error in pixels

    return poly, error

def inverse_poly(poly_coefficients, theta, radius):

    m = np.tan(theta)
    result = []
    reversed_poly_coefficients = poly_coefficients[::-1]
    reversed_poly_coefficients_temp = reversed_poly_coefficients

    for idx, j in enumerate(range(len(m))):
        reversed_poly_coefficients_temp[-2] = reversed_poly_coefficients[-2] - m[j]
        rho_temp = np.roots(reversed_poly_coefficients_temp)
        res = rho_temp[np.where((np.imag(rho_temp) == 0) & (rho_temp < radius) & (rho_temp>0))]
        if res.size == 0 or res.size > 1:

    return result

poly_coeff = [-1.729819e+03, 0.000000e+00, 2.218967e-04, -2.655544e-08, 2.169698e-11 ]

poly_coeff = [1707.2, 0,    -0.00023066,    2.4174E-08, -1.8933E-11]

h = 2160
w = 4096
radius = math.sqrt(h*h + w*w)
a = find_inverse_polynome(poly_coeff, radius)

The current error I am having is :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/alix/System/Users/aleroy/Documents/DPhil/algorithms/opticalflow/", line 52, in <module>
    a = find_inverse_polynome(poly_coeff, radius)
  File "/media/alix/System/Users/aleroy/Documents/DPhil/algorithms/opticalflow/", line 9, in find_inverse_polynome
    poly, error = compute_inverse_polynome(poly_coefficients, radius, N)
  File "/media/alix/System/Users/aleroy/Documents/DPhil/algorithms/opticalflow/", line 22, in compute_inverse_polynome
    poly = np.polyfit(theta, r, N)
  File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 5, in polyfit
  File "/home/alix/Documents/dphil/venv/p38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/lib/", line 629, in polyfit
    c, resids, rank, s = lstsq(lhs, rhs, rcond)
  File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 5, in lstsq
  File "/home/alix/Documents/dphil/venv/p38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/linalg/", line 2306, in lstsq
    x, resids, rank, s = gufunc(a, b, rcond, signature=signature, extobj=extobj)
TypeError: No loop matching the specified signature and casting was found for ufunc lstsq_n

EDIT : I was able to modify the code and it now outputs values. However the system does not converge. One condition was missing in the np.where of the inverse_poly() function. Now, I have this warning message :

RankWarning: Polyfit may be poorly conditioned
  poly, error = compute_inverse_polynome(poly_coefficients, radius, N)

As requested in the comments, this is the current value of r:


This is the current value of theta:

[-3.14159265e+00 -3.13159265e+00 -3.12159265e+00 -3.11159265e+00
 -3.10159265e+00 -3.09159265e+00 -3.08159265e+00 -3.07159265e+00
 -3.06159265e+00 -3.05159265e+00 -3.04159265e+00 -3.03159265e+00
 -3.02159265e+00 -3.01159265e+00 -3.00159265e+00 -2.99159265e+00
 -2.98159265e+00 -2.97159265e+00 -2.96159265e+00 -2.95159265e+00
 -2.94159265e+00 -2.93159265e+00 -2.92159265e+00 -2.91159265e+00
 -2.90159265e+00 -2.89159265e+00 -2.88159265e+00 -2.87159265e+00
 -2.86159265e+00 -2.85159265e+00 -2.84159265e+00 -2.83159265e+00
 -2.82159265e+00 -2.81159265e+00 -2.80159265e+00 -2.79159265e+00
 -2.78159265e+00 -2.77159265e+00 -2.76159265e+00 -2.75159265e+00
 -2.74159265e+00 -2.73159265e+00 -2.72159265e+00 -2.71159265e+00
 -2.70159265e+00 -2.69159265e+00 -2.68159265e+00 -2.67159265e+00
 -2.66159265e+00 -2.65159265e+00 -2.64159265e+00 -2.63159265e+00
 -2.62159265e+00 -2.61159265e+00 -2.60159265e+00 -2.59159265e+00
 -2.58159265e+00 -2.57159265e+00 -2.56159265e+00 -2.55159265e+00
 -2.54159265e+00 -2.53159265e+00 -2.52159265e+00 -2.51159265e+00
 -2.50159265e+00 -2.49159265e+00 -2.48159265e+00 -2.47159265e+00
 -2.46159265e+00 -2.45159265e+00 -2.44159265e+00 -2.43159265e+00
 -2.42159265e+00 -2.41159265e+00 -2.40159265e+00 -2.39159265e+00
 -2.38159265e+00 -2.37159265e+00 -2.36159265e+00 -2.35159265e+00
 -2.34159265e+00 -2.33159265e+00 -2.32159265e+00 -2.31159265e+00
 -2.30159265e+00 -2.29159265e+00 -2.28159265e+00 -2.27159265e+00
 -2.26159265e+00 -2.25159265e+00 -2.24159265e+00 -2.23159265e+00
 -2.22159265e+00 -2.21159265e+00 -2.20159265e+00 -2.19159265e+00
 -2.18159265e+00 -2.17159265e+00 -2.16159265e+00 -2.15159265e+00
 -2.14159265e+00 -2.13159265e+00 -2.12159265e+00 -2.11159265e+00
 -2.10159265e+00 -2.09159265e+00 -2.08159265e+00 -2.07159265e+00
 -2.06159265e+00 -2.05159265e+00 -2.04159265e+00 -2.03159265e+00
 -2.02159265e+00 -2.01159265e+00 -2.00159265e+00 -1.99159265e+00
 -1.98159265e+00 -1.97159265e+00 -1.96159265e+00 -1.95159265e+00
 -1.94159265e+00 -1.93159265e+00 -1.92159265e+00 -1.91159265e+00
 -1.90159265e+00 -1.89159265e+00 -1.88159265e+00 -1.87159265e+00
 -1.86159265e+00 -1.85159265e+00 -1.84159265e+00 -1.83159265e+00
 -1.82159265e+00 -1.81159265e+00 -1.80159265e+00 -1.79159265e+00
 -1.78159265e+00 -1.77159265e+00 -1.76159265e+00 -1.75159265e+00
 -1.74159265e+00 -1.73159265e+00 -1.72159265e+00 -1.71159265e+00
 -1.70159265e+00 -1.69159265e+00 -1.68159265e+00 -1.67159265e+00
 -1.66159265e+00 -1.65159265e+00 -1.64159265e+00 -1.63159265e+00
 -1.62159265e+00 -1.61159265e+00 -1.60159265e+00 -1.59159265e+00
 -1.58159265e+00 -1.57159265e+00 -1.56159265e+00 -1.55159265e+00
 -1.54159265e+00 -1.53159265e+00 -1.52159265e+00 -1.51159265e+00
 -1.50159265e+00 -1.49159265e+00 -1.48159265e+00 -1.47159265e+00
 -1.46159265e+00 -1.45159265e+00 -1.44159265e+00 -1.43159265e+00
 -1.42159265e+00 -1.41159265e+00 -1.40159265e+00 -1.39159265e+00
 -1.38159265e+00 -1.37159265e+00 -1.36159265e+00 -1.35159265e+00
 -1.34159265e+00 -1.33159265e+00 -1.32159265e+00 -1.31159265e+00
 -1.30159265e+00 -1.29159265e+00 -1.28159265e+00 -1.27159265e+00
 -1.26159265e+00 -1.25159265e+00 -1.24159265e+00 -1.23159265e+00
 -1.22159265e+00 -1.21159265e+00 -1.20159265e+00 -1.19159265e+00
 -1.18159265e+00 -1.17159265e+00 -1.16159265e+00 -1.15159265e+00
 -1.14159265e+00 -1.13159265e+00 -1.12159265e+00 -1.11159265e+00
 -1.10159265e+00 -1.09159265e+00 -1.08159265e+00 -1.07159265e+00
 -1.06159265e+00 -1.05159265e+00 -1.04159265e+00 -1.03159265e+00
 -1.02159265e+00 -1.01159265e+00 -1.00159265e+00 -9.91592654e-01
 -9.81592654e-01 -9.71592654e-01 -9.61592654e-01 -9.51592654e-01
 -9.41592654e-01 -9.31592654e-01 -9.21592654e-01 -9.11592654e-01
 -9.01592654e-01 -8.91592654e-01 -8.81592654e-01 -8.71592654e-01
 -8.61592654e-01 -8.51592654e-01 -8.41592654e-01 -8.31592654e-01
 -8.21592654e-01 -8.11592654e-01 -8.01592654e-01 -7.91592654e-01
 -7.81592654e-01 -7.71592654e-01 -7.61592654e-01 -7.51592654e-01
 -7.41592654e-01 -7.31592654e-01 -7.21592654e-01 -7.11592654e-01
 -7.01592654e-01 -6.91592654e-01 -6.81592654e-01 -6.71592654e-01
 -6.61592654e-01 -6.51592654e-01 -6.41592654e-01 -6.31592654e-01
 -6.21592654e-01 -6.11592654e-01 -6.01592654e-01 -5.91592654e-01
 -5.81592654e-01 -5.71592654e-01 -5.61592654e-01 -5.51592654e-01
 -5.41592654e-01 -5.31592654e-01 -5.21592654e-01 -5.11592654e-01
 -5.01592654e-01 -4.91592654e-01 -4.81592654e-01 -4.71592654e-01
 -4.61592654e-01 -4.51592654e-01 -4.41592654e-01 -4.31592654e-01
 -4.21592654e-01 -4.11592654e-01 -4.01592654e-01 -3.91592654e-01
 -3.81592654e-01 -3.71592654e-01 -3.61592654e-01 -3.51592654e-01
 -3.41592654e-01 -3.31592654e-01 -3.21592654e-01 -3.11592654e-01
 -3.01592654e-01 -2.91592654e-01 -2.81592654e-01 -2.71592654e-01
 -2.61592654e-01 -2.51592654e-01 -2.41592654e-01 -2.31592654e-01
 -2.21592654e-01 -2.11592654e-01 -2.01592654e-01 -1.91592654e-01
 -1.81592654e-01 -1.71592654e-01 -1.61592654e-01 -1.51592654e-01
 -1.41592654e-01 -1.31592654e-01 -1.21592654e-01 -1.11592654e-01
 -1.01592654e-01 -9.15926536e-02 -8.15926536e-02 -7.15926536e-02
 -6.15926536e-02 -5.15926536e-02 -4.15926536e-02 -3.15926536e-02
 -2.15926536e-02 -1.15926536e-02 -1.59265359e-03  8.40734641e-03
  1.84073464e-02  2.84073464e-02  3.84073464e-02  4.84073464e-02
  5.84073464e-02  6.84073464e-02  7.84073464e-02  8.84073464e-02
  9.84073464e-02  1.08407346e-01  1.18407346e-01  1.28407346e-01
  1.38407346e-01  1.48407346e-01  1.58407346e-01  1.68407346e-01
  1.78407346e-01  1.88407346e-01  1.98407346e-01  2.08407346e-01
  2.18407346e-01  2.28407346e-01  2.38407346e-01  2.48407346e-01
  2.58407346e-01  2.68407346e-01  2.78407346e-01  2.88407346e-01
  2.98407346e-01  3.08407346e-01  3.18407346e-01  3.28407346e-01
  3.38407346e-01  3.48407346e-01  3.58407346e-01  3.68407346e-01
  3.78407346e-01  3.88407346e-01  3.98407346e-01  4.08407346e-01
  4.18407346e-01  4.28407346e-01  4.38407346e-01  4.48407346e-01
  4.58407346e-01  4.68407346e-01  4.78407346e-01  4.88407346e-01
  4.98407346e-01  5.08407346e-01  5.18407346e-01  5.28407346e-01
  5.38407346e-01  5.48407346e-01  5.58407346e-01  5.68407346e-01
  5.78407346e-01  5.88407346e-01  5.98407346e-01  6.08407346e-01
  6.18407346e-01  6.28407346e-01  6.38407346e-01  6.48407346e-01
  6.58407346e-01  6.68407346e-01  6.78407346e-01  6.88407346e-01
  6.98407346e-01  7.08407346e-01  7.18407346e-01  7.28407346e-01
  7.38407346e-01  7.48407346e-01  7.58407346e-01  7.68407346e-01
  7.78407346e-01  7.88407346e-01  7.98407346e-01  8.08407346e-01
  8.18407346e-01  8.28407346e-01  8.38407346e-01  8.48407346e-01
  8.58407346e-01  8.68407346e-01  8.78407346e-01  8.88407346e-01
  8.98407346e-01  9.08407346e-01  9.18407346e-01  9.28407346e-01
  9.38407346e-01  9.48407346e-01  9.58407346e-01  9.68407346e-01
  9.78407346e-01  9.88407346e-01  9.98407346e-01  1.00840735e+00
  1.01840735e+00  1.02840735e+00  1.03840735e+00  1.04840735e+00
  1.05840735e+00  1.06840735e+00  1.07840735e+00  1.08840735e+00
  1.09840735e+00  1.10840735e+00  1.11840735e+00  1.12840735e+00
  1.13840735e+00  1.14840735e+00  1.15840735e+00  1.16840735e+00
  1.17840735e+00  1.18840735e+00  1.19840735e+00]

The Matlab script converges in a splut of a second, while my algorithm seems to run for a very long time. The output error is very large since the value of r is too small (see output above).


  • Here is a nice implemented and well documented OCamCalib toolbox in python for omnidirectional cameras calibration :