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i am in shift + tilde how to disable the cross mark which is in the middle of the camera in this mode

How to disable or remove the cross mark in the middle of the camera in Shift + Tilde mode?

I am encountering an issue where a cross mark appears in the center of the camera when using the Shift + Tilde mode. This cross mark is obstructing my view and hampering my work. I have tried searching for a solution, but I haven't been successful so far.

Could someone please provide detailed steps or code snippets to disable or remove this cross mark from the camera view? I am looking for a solution that works on the most common platforms, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux.


  • from my understanding of Blender (used it for years, and made a few scripts however only a limited understanding of the code) what you are looking for isn't a Python rendered gizmo but actually called forth in c/c++; The 'drawFlyPixel' function is compiled in Blender's source code.

    Blender's Python API (used to write add-ons) can't touch the C/C++ functions from my understanding. Removing this c/c++ gizmo would require modifying Blender's source code and building your own Blender version.

    You can find it called for in Line 232:

      /* draws 4 edge brackets that frame the safe area where the
       * mouse can move during fly mode without spinning the view */
      x1 = xoff + 0.45f * fly->width;
      y1 = yoff + 0.45f * fly->height;
      x2 = xoff + 0.55f * fly->width;
      y2 = yoff + 0.55f * fly->height;

    Kindly, Dan