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wes_palettes: How to obtain color hex codes from a wesanderson palette when it set to continuous with more than the predefined colors


I try to obtain color hex codes from a wesanderson palette when it is set to continuous with more colors than the predefined numbers of colors.


To obtain all the hex codes of the predefined palettes:


However, how to obtain the hex codes of the following plot:

wes_palette(21, name = "Zissou1", type = "continuous")


  • Try unclass.

    > library('wesanderson')
    > pal <- wes_palette(21, name = "Zissou1", type = "continuous")
    > unclass(pal)
     [1] "#3A9AB2" "#54A5B9" "#6FB2C1" "#80B6BB" "#91BAB6" "#9BBDAC" "#A5C2A3" "#B1C492" "#BDC881"
    [10] "#CCC967" "#DCCB4E" "#DFC12F" "#E3B710" "#E4A70A" "#E79805" "#E98905" "#EC7A05" "#ED6803"
    [19] "#EF5703" "#F03801" "#F11B00"
    [1] "Zissou1"


    pal, the object returned is of:

    > class(pal)
    [1] "palette"

    and pal or explicitly print(pal) will dispatch the print.palette method that produces a plot.

    unclass strips off additional classes and will leave the base layer class, which is:

    > class(unclass(pal))
    [1] "character"

    and which will dispatch print.default.

    To show color hex codes, we can use text():

    > pal
    > text(x=seq_along(pal), y=.75, labels=pal, srt=90, col='black')

    enter image description here