Search code examples

Google Sheet IMPORTXML "Imported content is empty"

I want to get the number from this website (

But it's return "imported content is empty"


The number on this website changes every hour, so I want to get the live number on google sheet.

How to solve this problem?


  • The problem is that the website is rendered with JavaScript, so you must use Playwright/Selenium/Puppeteer or similar, as @idchi suggested. But since you are using Google Sheet, and their Rest API is pretty lenient, I offer an alternative to call their API directly in Google Sheets.

            CONCAT("", REGEXEXTRACT(<URL>, "/track/(\d+)/")),  "ㅤ"
            # specify some random stuff as delimiter so Google doesn't split the data as CSV
        ), """total"":\s*(\d+)"
            # and let's extract the count!