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Transpose column to row without any 'id' or key column based on row number

Hi I have table like this

name cat_type
coco Dom
coky Anggora
chee Turk
eena Persian
onaa Dom
haina Turk
haani Dom

I want to try to transform to this

Dom Anggora Turk Persian
coco coky chee eena
onaa null haina null
haani null null null

I have tried the following approach:

FROM my_table
PIVOT( STRING_AGG(name) FOR cat_type IN ('Dom','Anggora','Turk','Persian'))   

But I didn't get what I want, as I got result like the following:

Dom Anggora Turk Persian
coco,onaa,haani coky chee,haina eena

Is there something wrong in my query?

Thank you in advance!


  • This problem looks like a slightly variation of classical pivot. What you're missing is the column you're grouping by, which in your case is the row number.

    WITH cte AS(
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY cat_type ORDER BY name) AS rn
        FROM my_table
    SELECT *, 
    FROM cte
    PIVOT (STRING_AGG(name) FOR cat_type IN ('Dom','Anggora','Turk','Persian'))