I need to build a tool which sorts my customers on several parameters and then exports it to CSV. Everything's working fine except my SQL query (I've always been bad at it).
Here is my DB structure:
I need to sort my customers to build a mailing list (CustomerLogin is a mail address). Filters I need to implement:
Here's my current query(using some PHP variables for total and categories):
SELECT C.id, C.CustomerReference, C.CustomerNom, C.CustomerPrenom, C.CustomerLogin, O.OrderTotal, O.OrderId
FROM customers C
JOIN orders O
ON C.id = O.CustomerId
JOIN OrderProduct OP
ON O.OrderId = OP.OrderId
JOIN products P
ON OP.ProduitId = P.ProduitId
WHERE O.OrderTotal >= $total
AND P.category IN($product_categories);
So this returns me data for every customer entry in the order table where these orders are filtered by total and product category. For example:
C.Id, C.ref, C.nom, C.prenom, C.login, O.OrderTotal, O.Id
1 - REF1 - DOE - John - johndoe@gmail.com - 550 - 1
1 - REF1 - DOE - John - johndoe@gmail.com - 150 - 4
1 - REF1 - DOE - John - johndoe@gmail.com - 800 - 8
5 - REF5 - BOND - James - jb@mi6.com - 007 - 25
8 - REF8 - ANOTHER - Dude - adude@gmail.com - 50 - 12
What I'd like to get:
C.Id, C.ref, C.nom, C.prenom, C.login, OrdersTotal, OrderNumber
1 - REF1 - DOE - John - johndoe@gmail.com - 1500 - 3
5 - REF5 - BOND - James - jb@mi6.com - 007 - 1
8 - REF8 - ANOTHER - Dude - adude@gmail.com - 50 - 1
Problem is I also need to filter OrdersTotal and OrderNumber, so how can I sum and display it in my "SELECT" and then filter it in the "WHERE"? Is that even possible? I thought about using subqueries or other stuff but I'm pretty bad at it so I could use some help on this.
Sorry for that long question but I need to be precise on this! Hope you guys will understand what I mean and be able to help me, thanks!
p.s.: I've translated my table and column names so you can understand, there might be some errors but it's working on my side.
Thanks to Surajit Biswas this is the solution:
SELECT C.id, C.CustomerReference, C.CustomerNom, C.CustomerPrenom, C.CustomerLogin, SUM(O.OrderTotal) order_total, COUNT(O.CustomerId) nb_com
FROM customers C
JOIN orders O ON C.id = O.CustomerId
JOIN OrderProduct OP ON O.OrderId = OP.OrderId
JOIN products P ON OP.ProduitId = P.ProduitId
WHERE P.category IN($product_categories)
GROUP BY C.id, C.CustomerReference, C.CustomerNom, C.CustomerPrenom, C.CustomerLogin
WHERE A.order_total >= $total AND A.nb_com >= $nbcom
Everything's working fine!
All credits @Surajit Biswas.
I would have used something kind of this:
SELECT OrderID, sum(Quantity) as sumquantity
FROM OrderDetails
group by OrderID
When my table structure is like:
OrderDetailID OrderID ProductID Quantity
1 10248 11 12
2 10248 42 10
3 10248 72 5
4 10249 14 9
5 10249 51 40
6 10250 41 10
7 10250 51 35
It gives me the output as:
ord_id sumquantity
10248 27
10249 49
10250 60
10251 41
In fact at your case also it is easy...
SELECT C.id, C.CustomerReference, C.CustomerNom, C.CustomerPrenom, C.CustomerLogin,
SUM(O.OrderTotal) order_total
FROM customers C
JOIN orders O ON C.id = O.CustomerId
JOIN OrderProduct OP ON O.OrderId = OP.OrderId
JOIN products P ON OP.ProduitId = P.ProduitId
WHERE O.OrderTotal >= $total
AND P.category IN($product_categories)
GROUP BY C.id, C.CustomerReference, C.CustomerNom, C.CustomerPrenom, C.CustomerLogin