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Play same audio twice, then move to the next audio file in React

I'm trying to make an autoplay of audio files from an array, using the react-audio-player. I want to play each audio twice, and then automatically move to the next one.

I found a way to automatically play all the audios, but when I want to play the same audio second time, the player stops. So it plays the first audio, stops, then I click play again and it plays the first audio again and advances to the second, and then stops again.

I think the problem is that since the audio URL doesn't change, the player doesn't recognize it as a new audio.

I can't find almost any threads related to this issue, as it's quite specific. I will appreciate any help.

const userItems = [{ "MP3": "" }, { "MP3": "" }, { "MP3": "" }]

const [repeatAudio, setRepeatAudio] = useState(true); // Determine if the audio has been played already

const [currentAudioIndex, setCurrentAudioIndex] = useState(0);

const audioSrc = userItems[currentAudioIndex].MP3

function setNextAudio() {
    if (repeatAudio) { // If the audio hasn't been played, keep same audio index
        setCurrentAudioIndex(i => i + 0)
    } else { // If it has been played, jump to the next index
        setCurrentAudioIndex(i => i + 1)

return (
            onEnded={() => setNextAudio()}



  • I've cleaned this up a bit to make it easier to understand, but yes the key bit is the "replay" doesn't involve a URL change, and so autoPlay doesn't kick in. You have to manage that yourself by getting a reference to the audio element and prodding it directly.

    import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
    import ReactAudioPlayer from "react-audio-player";
    const userItems = [
      { MP3: "" },
      { MP3: "" }
    const PlayTwicePlayer = () => {
      const [audioPointer, setAudioPointer] = useState({
        index: 0,
        playedOnce: false
      const audioPlayerRef = useRef(null);
      const audioSrc = userItems[audioPointer.index].MP3;
      function handleAudioEnded() {
        // Dont proceed to next track if already at the end of the array
        if (audioPointer.index >= userItems.length - 1) return;
        if (audioPointer.playedOnce) {
          // If they already played it, that means we just finished playing it a second time, and need to move to the next track.
          setAudioPointer((prev) => ({
            index: prev.index + 1,
            playedOnce: false
        } else {
          // If they hadn't already played it, we just finished the first run so we can set playedOnce to true now.
          // We must additionally seek back to 0 and play manually using a reference to the player because autoPlay does not
          // trigger since the URL didn't change.
          setAudioPointer((prev) => ({ ...prev, playedOnce: true }));
          audioPlayerRef.current.currentTime = 0;
      return (
            ref={(ref) => {
              if (!ref) return;
              audioPlayerRef.current = ref.audioEl.current;

    Note this won't give you seamless transitions. To do that you'd need the WebAudio API. Easy library wrappers for it exist like and