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Login to chrome extension via website with AWS amplify

I'm building a chrome extension and am trying to implement user login and sign-up. I originally had the sign-up and login functionality in the popup portion of my chrome extension but, after examining some of the more popular chrome extensions like Grammarly and Honey, I realized that they use their websites to login and sign up users. I decided to do the same for various reasons.

I'm using React js for both my website and the popup. I am using AWS-Amplify to handle login, sign-up, and user sessions. When I open the popup I have it check for a user session using await Auth.currentSession(); after having logged in on my site with await Auth.signIn(email, password);. However, that doesn't work. I've read the Amplify docs but couldn't find an answer. I have functionality in my popup that requires access to AWS services.

How can I use AWS-Amplify to login to my chrome extension via my website?


  • I did end up figuring this out. I'm not sure if this is the "right way" to do this but it works. After logging in using amplify on my react web app I can grab the session and send it to the chrome extension. However, only JSONifible objects can be sent through the extension messaging api. So all the functions that come with the session are lost. However, you can rebuild the session from the information that can be sent through the messaging api. You rebuild the session, create a new CognitoUser object, and then attach the session to the user. Once that is done the session will be stored and amplify will be able to use it.

    On the web side.

    //Get the current session from aws amplify
    const session = await Auth.currentSession();
    const extensionId = 'your_extension_id';
    chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extensionID, session,
            function(response) {
                // console.log(response);     

    On the extension side in background.js

    // This is all needed to reconstruct the session
    import {
      } from "amazon-cognito-identity-js";
    import {Auth} from "aws-amplify";
    //Listen for incoming external messages.
      async function (request, sender, sendResponse) {
        if (request.session) {
        } else {
    //Re-build the session and authenticate the user
    export const authenticateUser = async (session) => {
        let idToken = new CognitoIdToken({
          IdToken: session.idToken.jwtToken
        let accessToken = new CognitoAccessToken({
            AccessToken: session.accessToken.jwtToken
        let refreshToken = new CognitoRefreshToken({
            RefreshToken: session.refreshToken.token
        let clockDrift = session.clockDrift;
        const sessionData = {
          IdToken: idToken,
          AccessToken: accessToken,
          RefreshToken: refreshToken,
          ClockDrift: clockDrift
        // Create the session
        let userSession  = new CognitoUserSession(sessionData);
        const userData = {
          Username: userSession.getIdToken().payload['cognito:username'],
          Pool: new CognitoUserPool({UserPoolId: YOUR_USER_POOL_ID, ClientId: YOUR_APP_CLIENT_ID})
        // Make a new cognito user
        const cognitoUser = new CognitoUser(userData);
        // Attach the session to the user
        // Check to make sure it works
        cognitoUser.getSession(function(err, session) {
            //Do whatever you want here
          } else {
            console.error("Error", err);
        // The session is now stored and the amplify library can access it to do
        // whatever it needs to.