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CSS Modules and CSS keyframe animations

I am trying to do a simple animation using React, keyframes, CSS modules (and SASS). The problem is that CSS Modules hash keyframe names the same way it hashes the local classes.

JS code


export default () => {
  const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
    <div className={active ? 'active' : 'inactive'}
      onClick={() => setActive(!active)}

An attempt to make everything global, used this source as a tutorial (does not compile):

//default scope is local

@keyframes :global(animateIn) {
  0% { background: black; }
  100% { background: orange; }

@keyframes :global(animatOut) {
  0% { background: orange; }
  100% { background: black; }

:global {
  .active {
    background: orange;

    animation-name: animateIn;
    animation-duration: 1s;

  .inactive {
    background: black;

    animation-name: animateOut;
    animation-duration: 1s;

Changing this does not work too:

:global {
  @keyframes animateIn {
    0% { background: black; }
    100% { background: orange; }

  @keyframes animateOut {
    0% { background: orange; }
    100% { background: black; }

Another attempt (does not work):

@keyframes animateIn {
  0% { background: black; }
  100% { background: orange; }

@keyframes animateOut {
  0% { background: orange; }
  100% { background: black; }

:global {
  .active {
    background: orange;

    :local {
      animation-name: animateIn;
    animation-duration: 1s;

  .inactive {
    background: black;

    :local {
      animation-name: animateOut;
    animation-duration: 1s;

How to use keyframes in CSS modules global scope? Is it possible to use local scope keyframes in a global scope class?


  • Your third attempt was almost fine, you just have to add & before :local and make sure there's a space in between them. By doing so, you switch to the local scope within the selector.

    :global {
        .selector {
            & :local {
                animation: yourAnimation 1s ease;
    @keyframes yourAnimation {
        0% {
            opacity: 0;
        to {
            opacity: 1;

    Which compiles to

    .selector {
        animation: [hashOfYourAnimation] 1s ease;