Search code examples

Group by and select rows based on if value combinations exist

I have a table PetsTable:

Id Type key value
1 "Cat" 10 5
1 "Cat" 9 2
2 "dog" 10 5
1 "Cat" 8 4
1 "Cat" 6 3
2 "dog" 8 4
2 "dog" 6 3
3 "Cat" 13 5
3 "Cat" 10 0
3 "Cat" 8 0

How to insert this data into a new table MyPets from PetsTable with these conditions:

  • Group by Id
  • Only select rows when in the group exists (key = 10 and value = 5) and (key = 8 and value = 4) and (key = 6 and value = 3)
  • If exists key = 9, then mark hasFee = 1 else hasFee = 0

Final table should look like:

Id Type hasFee
1 "Cat" 1
2 "dog" 0


  • One approach is to use window functions to evaluate your conditions, which you can then apply as conditions using a CTE.

    This creates the data you desire, its then trivial to insert into a table of your choice.

    create table Test (Id int, [Type] varchar(3), [Key] int, [Value] int);
    insert into Test (Id, [Type], [Key], [Value])
    (1, 'Cat', 10, 5),
    (1, 'Cat', 9,  2),
    (2, 'Dog', 10, 5),
    (1, 'Cat', 8,  4),
    (1, 'Cat', 6,  3),
    (2, 'Dog', 8,  4),
    (2, 'Dog', 6,  3),
    (3, 'Cat', 13, 5),
    (3, 'Cat', 10, 0),
    (3, 'Cat', 8,  0);
    with cte as (
      select *
        , sum(case when [Key] = 10 and [Value] = 5 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by Id) Cond1
        , sum(case when [Key] = 8 and [Value] = 4 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by Id) Cond2
        , sum(case when [Key] = 6 and [Value] = 3 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by Id) Cond3
        , sum(case when [Key] = 9 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by Id) HasFee
      from Test
    select Id, [Type], HasFee
    from cte
    where Cond1 = 1 and Cond2 = 1 and Cond3 = 1
    group by Id, [Type], HasFee;


    Id Type HasFee
    1 Cat 1
    2 Dog 0

    Note: If you provide your sample data in this format (DDL+DML) you make it much easier for people to assist.
