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How to get values of injected beans in a common class

I'm using Springboot to develop a web server and I need to add some custom configurations for it. So I put the config into resources/ as below:


In some function I need to get the config.

class MyObj {
    private int applePrice;

This is not working because MyObj is not managed by Springboot.

But I couldn't add any annotation like @Component for the class MyObj because the objects of MyObj is initialized manually: MyObj obj = new MyObj();

So it seems that I need to get the injected bean in an unmanaged object.

I'm a Springboot newbie, please help me on this issue.


  • If you don't have access to the application context or other beans, you can keep static reference to AutowireCapableSpringBeanFactory to manually autowire manually created objects. You could do it as in this answer, for example.

    Then autowire the instances like this:

    MyObj obj = new MyObj();