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Detecting if a struct member is flexible and which of gcc and clang is wrong here?

I was trying to write a macro to detect whether a struct member is a flexible array or just a regular one.

Turns out clang treats flexible array types as incomplete (yet-to-be-sized) array types.

Incomplete array types can be detected by being, on different compatibility test, compatible with different specific sizes:

#define ISCOMPWITHARRAYOFN(LVAL,N) _Generic((typeof((LVAL)[0])(*)[N])0, default:0,typeof(&(LVAL)):1)

extern char incomplete[];
extern char complete[1];

//accepted by both gcc and clang

This means that on clang, I can have:

#define ISFLEXIBLE(type,member) ISINCOMPLETE_ARRAY((type){0}.member)

struct flexed{ int a; char m[]; };
struct unflexed0{ int a; char m[1]; };
struct unflexed1{ int a; char m[1]; int b; };

//both GCC and clang accept these:
_Static_assert(!ISFLEXIBLE(struct unflexed0,m),"");
_Static_assert(!ISFLEXIBLE(struct unflexed1,m),"");

//only clang accepts these
_Static_assert(ISFLEXIBLE(struct flexed,m),"");

_Static_assert(ISCOMPWITHARRAYOFN((struct flexed){0}.m,1),"");
_Static_assert(ISCOMPWITHARRAYOFN((struct flexed){0}.m,2),"");

but GCC does not accept this.

My question is which of gcc/clang behaves incorrectly here and is it possible to write a (perhaps nonstandard) ISFLEXIBLE(type,array_typed_member) macro that works on both compilers?


  • The problem can be reproduced with the single line:

    _Static_assert(_Generic(&(struct {int a, m[]; }){0}.m, default: 0, int (*)[1]: 1), "");

    Clang accepts this. GCC does not. If the first 1 is changed to 0, GCC accepts it (and so does Clang). This shows that Clang treats the flexible array member as an array of unknown length, whereas GCC treats the flexible array member as an array of zero length.

    C 2018 18 says:

    As a special case, the last member of a structure with more than one named member may have an incomplete array type; this is called a flexible array member… However, when a . (or ->) operator has a left operand that is (a pointer to) a structure with a flexible array member and the right operand names that member, it behaves as if that member were replaced with the longest array (with the same element type) that would not make the structure larger than the object being accessed;… If this array would have no elements, it behaves as if it had one element but the behavior is undefined if any attempt is made to access that element or to generate a pointer one past it.

    So, the last member of the structure has incomplete array type, as Clang treats it. But then we must consider the statements about an expression using . or ->. Perhaps these are solely intended as statements about behavior of the program rather than the type of the expression, that is, statements about the run-time actions such as reading and writing the array elements. If so, Clang is correct to treat it as an incomplete array type.

    However, if the statements are intended to specify the type, then GCC is still wrong, since, if the size allows for no elements, as the compound literal presumably does, then it ought to be treated as an array of one element. But GCC treats it as an array of zero elements.

    Further experimenting reveals that even if the structure is created using an initializer with elements for the flexible array member (which is a GCC extension), GCC still treats its type as an array of zero elements, even though it actually has more.

    So GCC does not conform to the C standard.

    Clang’s interpretation is reasonable; treating the array as complete when it is referred to with . or -> would, in some circumstances (such as when it is passed a pointer to one of these structures, which may be pointing to memory with plenty of space for the array elements) require knowledge not available to it at compile time.