How can I generate a Vexriscv core in a way that the generated ram is a vendor specific block ram (e.g. Intel/Altera or Xilinx)?
I tried it by using the black boxing possibility (see like shown in the snippet below. However, this did not workout as expected, as I assumed that passing the device information to the SpinalConfig the core generation will replace the standard memory by the vendor specific one. However, the implementation did not change.
object MuraxCustom{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val hex = "../software.hex"
val muraxConf = MuraxConfig.default(false).copy(coreFrequency = 25 MHz, onChipRamSize = 32 kB, onChipRamHexFile = hex)
val config = SpinalConfig(device=Device(vendor = "altera", family = "Cyclone V"))
Any idea how I replace the ram realized as std_logic_vector
as vendor specific block ram?
blackboxAllWhatsYouCan is currently independent of the device family your use. It will always generate using the same blockbox primitives. So no way to currently match automaticaly xilinx / altera specific memory IP