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Gutenberg Block, Change supports with controls

I'm working on my plugin but I'm stuck with block supports. I need to change supports of block with inspector controls. It's like attributes. However, I have not seen anywhere that the supports section can be edited with inspector controls. Let me explain in detail:

    "$schema": "",
    "apiVersion": 3,
    "name": "myplugin/name",
    "supports": {
        "html": false,
        "spacing": {
            "__experimentalSkipSerialization": true,
            "margin": true,
            "padding": true
    "attributes": {

I want to create a handle function for change supports > spacing > padding true and false. Is there anything like setAttribute({anyAttr: newValue }) for supports? Any help would be perfect.


  • You could look at using the reapplyBlockTypeFilters action on the core/blocks data store to "re-filter" the blocks types, to run your own blocks.registerBlockType filter.

    Example pseudo-code (no build step):

    function MyBlockEdit() {
      const reapplyBlockTypeFilters =
        (select) => select('core/blocks').reapplyBlockTypeFilters,
      const onChange = (event) => {
        // Remove old hook.
        // Refresh hook.
          (settings, name) =>
            name === 'myplugin/name'
              ? {
                  supports: {
                    padding: /* true or false */,
              : settings,
      // …

    With build step:

    import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
    import { addFilter, removeFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks';
    function MyBlockEdit() {
      const reapplyBlockTypeFilters = useSelect(
        (select) => select('core/blocks').reapplyBlockTypeFilters,
      const onChange = (event) => {
        // Remove old hook.
        removeFilter('blocks.registerBlockType', 'myplugin/name/filterBlockType');
        // Refresh hook.
          (settings, name) =>
            name === 'myplugin/name'
              ? {
                  supports: {
                    padding: /* true or false */,
              : settings,
      // …

    The example onChange function would be a prop that would fire on some control value change in the inspector controls. Also be aware that this would affect all blocks of the same type.