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How can I fix If NO MATCH #N/A?

I'm working on a schedule table to pull the corresponding working hours for each shift that match.

I have the following data:

CELL 1: E694

CELL 2: E356

TABLE 1: $AL$10:$AL$16

TABLE 2: $AL$1031:$AL$1037

TABLE 3: $AM$1031:$AM$1037

Here's the intended scenario:

If CELL 1 MATCH TABLE 1, then MATCH CELL 2 with TABLE 2 and pull data from TABLE 3. If CELL 1 DON'T MATCH TABLE 1, MATCH CELL 1 with TABLE 2 and pull data from TABLE 3.

I tried the following formula:

=IF(MATCH(E694,$AL$10:$AL$16,0), timevalue(INDEX($AM$1031:$AM$1037,MATCH(E356,$AL$1031:$AL$1037,0),0))*24, timevalue(INDEX($AM$1031:$AM$1037,MATCH(E694,$AL$1031:$AL$1037,0),0))*24)

The formula only works when there's a MATCH, but If there's no MATCH it doesn't execute the false condition and returns #N/A error.

I know I'm missing something here, but I just can't figure it out.

Would someone be able to give me a hand here?

P.S: here's a simple test sheet (not with the exact same values, but the same formula and logic)


  • ISNA is most likely what you are wanting, though ISERR or ISERROR could also be applicable depending on the situation.

    A couple notes:

    • I duplicated your original sheet (see the "Fixes" tab on your Google Spreadsheet), and tightened up the layout slightly so I could better understand what you're trying to accomplish.
    • I'm using named ranges in your formula for the tables now, instead of absolute A1 notation ranges. They are easier to maintain, less error prone, and less confusion when writing formulas.
    • I removed the timevalue(...) * 24 you were using to convert the formatted DateTime strings to TimeSpans. Instead, I set that column format to TimeSpan (h:mm), which does exactly the same thing without cluttering our formulas.
    • "Formula", "Cell 1", and "Cell 2" I separated into columns, so that you and I could test and verify the formula on multiple variations of the cell values at once. The 8 rows you see now are 8 variations of cell 1 and cell 2 ("Formula" column is the same same for all test rows).

    The updated working formula is below, based on my best interpretation of your description.

    COUNTIF(table1, B1), 
    INDEX(table3, MATCH(C1, table2, 0)), 
    INDEX(table3, MATCH(B1, table2, 0)))

    As seen in the help popup in the image below, an IF statement evaluates the first argument (logical_expresion), which must be a value that can be converted into a boolean value (true/false).

    Since numbers can represent a bool value (0 = false, anything else = true), and all we need for the first argument is a yes/no, I replaced the first MATCH function with a simple COUNTIF, which simply returns the number of cells in table1 that match B1. Unlike the MATCH function, which returns N/A if no matches are found, COUNTIF simply returns a 0. Since 0 is the same as false, our IF statement knows to use our second MATCH instead of the first.

    enter image description here

    Note regarding my original answer: The first solution I provided used ISNA(MATCH(...)) = false instead of COUNTIF(...). This works also, but is unnecessarily complicated: ISNA returns true if the value of it's argument is "N/A", true otherwise, effectively converting our MATCH into a bool value. That bool value had to be inverted, however, so that "N/A" value would be false, and a successful match would be true. =false was just used to return the opposite value that ISNA gave us. Does false=false? yes, so we return true. Does true=false? no, so we return...false.