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C# Creating a Square

I'm trying to create an application that inputs a Width and Height to design a square. I've gotten the error handling for inputting the numbers for the Width and Height. I find myself writing...

//Integer for Width == W
int W;
//Integer for Height == H
int H;
      if (W == 1 && H == 1)
      else if (W == 1 && H == 2)
         Console.WriteLine("*\n" +
      else if (W == 1 && H == 3)
         Console.WriteLine("*\n" +
                           "*\n" +
      else if (W == 1 && H == 20)
         Console.WriteLine("*\n" +
                           "*\n" +
     //For readability 20th"*");

Also, assuming I'd do (else if) another 396 more times to satisfy the variances (20 * 20 = 400) 400 possibilities to build this square.

I'm asking if there is any looping methods that could help me reduce the code I need to complete making my square out of Console.WriteLine("*").

if(W == 1 && H == 1) ~~~ else(W == 20 && H == 20)

Or am I stuck writing the 400 possible instances of the width and height of my square?

The desired result for the display

 *  *
 *  *

Thanks for your time and consideration of my question.


  • Logic would be simple:

    write * character as many times as W, then write new line to start new row - repeat this as many times as H

    Putting it into code:

    var W = 10;
    var H = 10;
    for (var i = 0; i < H; i++)
        for (var j = 0; j < W; j++)

    Using more concise code:

    for (var i = 0; i < H; i++)
        Console.WriteLine(new string('*', W));


    In order to draw only border with characters:

    var W = 10;
    var H = 10;
    for (var i = 0; i < H; i++)
        // for bottom and for top borders - print full line
        if (i == 0 || i == H - 1)
            Console.WriteLine(new string('*', W));
        // for other, print just W-2 spaces with * at the edges
            Console.WriteLine('*' + new string(' ', W - 2) + '*');