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How to check if a form in ms access vba is fully on screen/visible?

As some of our user tell us that they cant see all of some forms on their screens, we try to call a function for every form after opening which logs the forms which are too broad or too high. We focus on the bottom right corner of the form because this is the part our users are complaining about. This function looks like this (We changed the log functionality to a stop so its easier to read):

Private Sub CheckObFormVollstaendigSichtbar(ByVal par_form As Form)
  Dim formRight As Integer
  formRight = par_form.WindowLeft + par_form.WindowWidth
  Dim formBottom As Integer
  formBottom = par_form.WindowTop + par_form.WindowHeight

  With fn_getAccessClientRect
    If .BottomRight.x < formRight Then
      'Too broad
    End If
    If .BottomRight.Y < formBottom Then
      'Too high
    End If
  End With

End Sub

The supporting function look like this:

Private Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As Rect) As Long

Type Rect
    x1 As Long
    y1 As Long
    x2 As Long
    y2 As Long
End Type    

Public Function fn_getAccessClientRect() As ZRechteckClass

  Dim mdiRect As Rect

  Call GetClientRect(Application.hWndAccessApp, mdiRect)

  Set fn_getAccessClientRect = ZRechteck(fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.x1, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL), _
                                         fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.y1, DIRECTION_VERTICAL), _
                                         fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.x2, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL), _
                                         fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.y2, DIRECTION_VERTICAL))

End Function

Public Function fn_pixelsToTwips(lPixels As Long, lDirection As Long) As Long

  Dim lDeviceHandle As Long
  Dim lPixelsPerInch As Long

  lDeviceHandle = GetDC(0)

    lPixelsPerInch = GetDeviceCaps(lDeviceHandle, LOGPIXELSX)
    lPixelsPerInch = GetDeviceCaps(lDeviceHandle, LOGPIXELSY)
  End If

  lDeviceHandle = ReleaseDC(0, lDeviceHandle)
  fn_pixelsToTwips = lPixels * 1440 / lPixelsPerInch

End Function

Unfortuatly the function seems to be bit off.

So in case of the following picture the stop is not reached: Why the stop is not triggered?

The stop is only triggerd around here: Here its triggered

This is the full form: Full form


  • Ok. I have to check which is the client rect of the parent of the form I use (Which is the form

    Private Sub CheckObFormVollstaendigSichtbar(ByVal par_form As Form)
      Dim formRight As Integer
      formRight = par_form.WindowLeft + par_form.WindowWidth
      Dim formBottom As Integer
      formBottom = par_form.WindowTop + par_form.WindowHeight
      With fn_getUsableClientRectForForm(par_Form)
        If .BottomRight.x < formRight Then
          'Too broad
        End If
        If .BottomRight.Y < formBottom Then
          'Too high
        End If
      End With
    End Sub

    I use "fn_getUsableClientRectForForm" instead of "fn_getAccessClientRect" (from the question):

    Private Declare Function GetParent Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
    Public Function fn_getUsableClientRectForForm(ByVal par_Form As Form) As ZRechteckClass
      Dim mdiRect As Rect
      Call GetClientRect(GetParent(par_Form.hWnd), mdiRect)
      Set fn_getUsableClientRectForForm = ZRechteck(fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.x1, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL), _
                                                    fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.y1, DIRECTION_VERTICAL), _
                                                    fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.x2, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL), _
                                                    fn_pixelsToTwips(mdiRect.y2, DIRECTION_VERTICAL))
    End Function

    This answer is suboptimal because I have to open a form to get the usable client rect of access. I'm still searching for a way to get the rect !without! a form-opject.