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paths from root to leaf of a binary tree in clojure

I'm trying to implement a recursive function that can find all the paths from the root to the leaves in a binary tree in clojure, but I'm stuck. Here's an example of what the tree looks like: binary tree

I've been trying to find inspiration from the implementation in java , but I still don't know how to write a similar function in clojure. This is the helper function I've written so far.

 (defn helper

[T P i]

(if (not (= nil T))
    (do (def P (conj P (T :value)))

(if (isbranch? T)
       (and (not (= nil (T :left))) (= nil (T :right))) (helper (T :left) P (+ i 1))
       (and (not (= nil (T :right))) (= nil (T :left))) (helper (T :left) P (+ i 1))
       :else (do (helper (T :left) P (+ i 1)) (helper (T :left) P (+ i 1)))
    (print P)

Could someone explain where I should start?


  • I assume that the tree is represented like this by reading the code in the question:

    (def input {:value 10
                :left {:value 8 :left {:value 3} :right {:value 5}}
                :right {:value 2 :left {:value 2}}})

    Apart from that, it is not clear to me how the code provided in the question is supposed to work.

    Here is recursive solution that I suggest:

    (defn- all-paths-recursive-sub [dst path {:keys [value left right]}]
      (let [children (remove nil? [left right])
            path (conj path value)]
        (if (empty? children)
          (conj dst path)
          (reduce (fn [dst subtree] (all-paths-recursive-sub dst path subtree))
    (defn all-paths-recursive [tree]
      (all-paths-recursive-sub [] [] tree))
    (all-paths-recursive input)
    ;; => [[10 8 3] [10 8 5] [10 2 2]]

    and here is an iterative solution:

    (defn all-paths-iterative [tree]
      (loop [stack [[[] tree]]
             result []]
        (if (empty? stack)
          (let [[[path {:keys [value left right]}] & stack] stack
                children (remove nil? [left right])
                path (conj path value)]
            (if (empty? children)
              (recur stack (conj result path))
              (recur (into stack (map (partial vector path)) children) result))))))
    (all-paths-iterative input)
    ;; => [[10 2 2] [10 8 5] [10 8 3]]