(import java.nio.file.Files)
(import java.nio.file.Paths)
(import java.util.stream.Stream)
(def path
(Paths/get "."
(into-array ["data" "10000000.test.log"])))
(def stream
(Files/lines path))
This way I have:
#object[java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$Head 0x50129b8f
Is there a way to iterate over this without running out of memory? The suggestion on SO are not really helpful. The files is ~1G.
I wanted to iterate over the stream Java / imperative style to avoid blowing up the heap. I do not need to reduce on the stream, I need to process every line and take out one field and send it out. I think for this I probably better off with doseq.
[l (iterator-seq (.iterator stream))]
(println l))