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Creating a UUID from a string with no dashes

How would I create a java.util.UUID from a string with no dashes?

"5231b533ba17478798a3f2df37de2aD7" => #uuid "5231b533-ba17-4787-98a3-f2df37de2aD7"


  • Clojure's #uuid tagged literal is a pass-through to java.util.UUID/fromString. And, fromString splits it by the "-" and converts it into two Long values. (The format for UUID is standardized to 8-4-4-4-12 hex digits, but the "-" are really only there for validation and visual identification.)

    The straight forward solution is to reinsert the "-" and use java.util.UUID/fromString.

    (defn uuid-from-string [data]
       (clojure.string/replace data

    If you want something without regular expressions, you can use a ByteBuffer and DatatypeConverter.

    (defn uuid-from-string [data]
      (let [buffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer/wrap 
                     (javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter/parseHexBinary data))]
        (java.util.UUID. (.getLong buffer) (.getLong buffer))))