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Automating Edge with CDP using VBA fails on Linkedin developer site

I'm trying to automate Edge browser with CDP using VBA written by ChrisK23

I prefer this method because I don't want to install Selenium drivers.

It works well with Google using the sample code but somehow it fails when working with the Linkedin developer site:

It fails to input my credentials using the following:

Call objBrowser.jsEval("document.getElementById(""username"").value='" & myEmail & "';")
Call objBrowser.jsEval("document.getElementById(""password"").value='" & myPwd & "';")

I found the page was loaded completely but can't get the credential elements which are username input field, password input field, and sign in button.

Have tried several methods to get the element(s) (by name or looping through) but not success.

Any ideas?


  • The page loads into an iframe at first. The embedded code in your snippet looks something like this


    Changing it to access it via the iframe like this


    will give you access to the expected element. Putting it back into your call

    Call objBrowser.jsEval("document.getElementsByTagName(""iframe"")[0].contentDocument.getElementById(""username"").value='" & myEmail & "';")

    It might be that this isn't the full solution and you need to init some scripts at the page. It is a start though.