I have the following column called int_calcs in snowflake which is a json saved as a string:
int_calcs =
"frequency": {
"SA": {
"ER": 1.00,
"EXR": 0.18667007686333767,
"CW": 0.18667007686333767
I'm trying to get out ER (1.00) out in dbt, but i'm running into problems. I think i need to use parse_json (as it's a string).
I have tried:
lower(cast(json_extract_path_text(parse_json(int_calcs), '$.frequency.SA.ER') as float)) as ER,
this doesn't crash but fails my tests dbt_utils.at_least_one (so the syntax is correct but it's not taking out the value).
Any tips on how to get this to work?
I've tried it in this format too:
lower(cast(parse_json(int_calcs:frequency:SA:ER::number))) as ER,
without syntax success.
Thanks in advance!
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE tab(int_cals string)
"frequency": {
"SA": {
"ER": 1.00,
"EXR": 0.18667007686333767,
"CW": 0.18667007686333767
SELECT PARSE_JSON(int_cals):frequency:SA:ER::NUMBER AS er
FROM tab;
-- ER
-- 1