below is the sample data
Data read; input region$ Country$ Customername$ Amount; dataline; asia china xx 78 asia pak xx 89 africa tunisia xx contd ; run;
I want top 10 customer of top 10 country by region. Can anyone guide or help
i tried Proc tabulate and proc means but not giving results. I cannot show the result as it is office laptop
You didn't show the Proc MEANS
code you tried.
Try using Proc MEANS with some follow up SORT and DATA steps to get the results you want.
data have;
call streaminit(20230417);
do region = 1 to 20;
do customer = 1 to 100+rand('integer', 25);
customerId + 1;
amount = rand('integer', 1, 2500);
keep region customerid amount;
proc means noprint data=have;
class region customerId;
var amount;
types region region*customerId;
output out=summary sum=totalamount;
proc sort data=summary;
by region descending totalamount;
data top10region;
set summary;
where _type_ = 2;
if _n_ > 10 then stop;
data top10c_in_top10r;
merge top10region(rename=totalamount=regiontotal) summary(where=(_type_=3));
by region;
if first.region then regionCount + 1;
if regionCount > 10 then stop;
if first.region
then counter = 1;
else counter + 1;
if counter <= 10 then output;
keep region customerId regionTotal regionTotal totalAmount;
rename totalAmount=customerTotal;