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Migrating to Hibernate 6 @Type annotation not working for boolean

I upgraded spring boot to 3.x which in turn upgrades Hibernate from 5 to 6 and spring 6.

In previous versions we were using @Type annotation which converts db column from String (Y or N) to java boolean value.

    @Column(name = "IS_SPECIAL")
    @Type(type = "yes_no")
    private Boolean isSpecial;

The problem I am now facing is that there's a syntax error that reads:

Cannot resolve method 'type'

The annotation doesn't accept a string value either.

I have already checked this question and it's not helping.


  • Taking the answer from here

    @Type(type = "yes_no") can be replaced with @Convert(converter = YesNoConverter.class)

    @Column(name = "IS_SPECIAL")
    @Convert(converter = org.hibernate.type.YesNoConverter.class)
    private Boolean isSpecial;