I iterate over the following map of objects:
variable "spokes" {
description = "(Required) Map for target spokes and their respective attributes."
type = map(object({
name = string
environment = string
law_id = string
vm_subnet_id = string
vm_size = string
gitlab_runner_token = string
secure_subnet_id = string
privatelink_vault_zone = string
custom_tags = map(string)
But due to the sensitivity of the gitlab_runner_token string, I'd like to obtain it via an environment variable.
How could this be accomplished? i.e:
export TF_VAR_spokes["spokename1"].gitlab_runner_token="SuPeRsEcReTtOkEn"
Edit 1: the question regards to how to pass a single map attribute as an environment variable, not how to deal with sensitive variables saved in a var file. This code will be executed from Gitlab CI/CD, so saved tokens in a static file inside the repo are definitely a no-go.
Edit 2: state files are stored somewhere else and under different authorization and security settings. So, having clear-text sensitive values there isn't really a major concern for me. Having them saved in the repo files is (a concern), hence having the token as a CI/CD (environment) variable.
Edit 3: Passing a populated var file via Gitlab CI/CD would also work, but it is a bit cumbersome for the developer to keep such an extensive file up to date outside of the repository context. So, I'm keeping this option as a last resort. Same thing applies to passing the entire map as an input (environment) variable.
You will need to set up a separate variable as a map:
variable "gitlab_runner_tokens" {
description = "Sensitive GitLab runner tokens for each spoke."
type = map(string)
Then remove gitlab_runner_token
from the spokes
And merge the two maps as follows:
locals {
combined_spokes = {
for k, v in var.spokes : k => merge(v, { gitlab_runner_token = var.gitlab_runner_tokens[k] })
Now you can export it as TF_VAR_ environment variables:
export TF_VAR_gitlab_runner_tokens='{"spokename1": "SuPeRsEcReTtOkEn", "spokename2": "AnOtHeRsEcReTtOkEn"}'