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Map a Scala code generated by the Protocol Buffer Compiler from a .proto file to a simple scala case class

Is there a library out there to map a Scala code generated by the Protocol Buffer Compiler from a .proto file to a simple scala case class. The big file doesnt have a mapper fiunction

Example of Scala code generated by the Protocol Buffer Compiler from a .proto file :

final case class PartnerConversionRates(
    conversionRate: _root_.scala.Option[_root_.scala.Double] = _root_.scala.None,
    redemptionFactor: _root_.scala.Option[_root_.scala.Double] = _root_.scala.None,
    unknownFields: _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty
    ) extends scalapb.GeneratedMessage with scalapb.lenses.Updatable[PartnerConversionRates] {
    private[this] var __serializedSizeCachedValue: _root_.scala.Int = 0
    private[this] def __computeSerializedValue(): _root_.scala.Int = {
      var __size = 0
      if (conversionRate.isDefined) {
        val __value = com.myCompany.my_team.myClass.proto.PartnerConversionRates._typemapper_conversionRate.toBase(conversionRate.get)
        __size += 1 + + __value.serializedSize
      if (redemptionFactor.isDefined) {
        val __value = com.myCompany.my_team.myClass.proto.PartnerConversionRates._typemapper_redemptionFactor.toBase(redemptionFactor.get)
        __size += 1 + + __value.serializedSize
      __size += unknownFields.serializedSize

to a case class

case class PartnerConversionRates(
  /* Conversion Rate of partner */
  conversionRate: Option[Double] = None,
  /* Redemption Rate of partner */
  redemptionFactor: Option[Double] = None

Or do I have to map manually?

I didnt get any support for it.


  • Mapping between case classes is one of basic use cases for Chimney (disclaimer: I'm one of the authors of the library):

    import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._
    // You named both case classes the same name,
    // so I assumed that they would be in different packages
    val proto: proto.PartnerConversionRates = ...
    // proto -> domain:
    // All target fields are present in source case class
    // and the types inside match.
    val domain = proto.into[domain.PartnerConversionRates].transform
    // domain -> proto:
    // Field unknownFields is absent so we are setting it manually.
      .withFieldConst(_.unknownFields, _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty)
    // Alternatively, allow using default values.

    You can also make you life easier by using some ScalaPB options like

    import "scalapb/scalapb.proto";
    option (scalapb.options) = {
      preserve_unknown_fields: false

    to not generate unknownFields in the first place (useful if you are not using this field for any parsing error reporting).

    Chimney library also supports, another cases: where transformation is not a total function, recursive transformation, sealed hierarchies, Java Beans etc. The Scala 3 support in on the way, but if you need it, there is another library by different author which target only Scala 3 - Ducktape.

    All real-life use cases have a lot of edge cases that we might have missed, so if you read the documentation and find something not working as expected, you can post a ticket with a bug report or a feature request.