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Get difference between two version of delta lake table

how to find the difference between two last versions of a Delta Table ? Here is as far as I went using dataframes :

val df1 =
  .option("versionAsOf", "0001")

val df2 =
  .option("versionAsOf", "0002")

// non idiomatic way to do it ...

there is a commercial version of Delta by Databricks that provides a solution called CDF but I'm looking for an open source alternative


  • Using the comment of @Zinking, I managed to get a Dataframe with the difference being calculated between two versions :

    1) get the latest version :

    val lastVersion = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, PATH_TO_DELTA_TABLE)
        .getOrElse(throw new Exception("Is this table empty ?"))

    2) get the list of parquet files flagged as to be "added" or "removed" in a specific version 0000NUMVERSION :

    val addPathList = spark
        .where(s"add is not null")
        .map(path => processPath(path.toString))
    val removePathList = spark
        .where(s"remove is not null")
        .map(path => processPath(path.toString))

    3) load them in a dataframe

    import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
    val addDF = spark
      .load(addPathList: _*)
      .withColumn("add_remove", lit("add"))
    val removeDF = spark
      .load(removePathList: _*)
      .withColumn("add_remove", lit("remove"))

    4) the union of both dataframes represents the "diff":

    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    |      null|       add|
    only showing top 20 rows